The Department of Corrections (Corrections) is seeking feedback on the topic and scope of its next Long-Term Insights Briefing.
The Public Service Act 2020 requires government departments to create a Long-Term Insights Briefing at least once every three years. Long-Term Insights Briefings are future-focused documents that provide information on long-term trends, risks, and opportunities, as well as possible policy responses. They are developed by departments independently of ministers and are not government policy.
Corrections is proposing that its next Long-Term Insights Briefing builds on the findings of our first Long-Term Insights Briefing and explores the use of technology in Corrections. Our proposed topic is:
Looking forward to 2050, how could the use of new and emerging technology improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the New Zealand corrections system?
We propose to look at four areas in depth that we anticipate will become increasingly important in our future Corrections environment and then use our findings to inform potential policy options for the future. Our proposed subject areas are:
- Improving system productivity and resilience: How could technology enable a more efficient and resilient corrections network?
- Supporting our frontline workforce: How could new and emerging technology be used to complement our workforce in the future and improve safety and security?
- Improving outcomes: How could new and emerging technology be used to improve rehabilitation and reintegration outcomes both in prisons and in community settings?
- Rising use of electronic monitoring technology: How can Corrections utilise new and emerging technology to help manage people safely in the community?
- Future policy directions: How can we maximise the benefits, and mitigate the risks, of new and emerging technologies across the New Zealand corrections environment.
We’d like your feedback on the proposed topic of our Long-Term Insights Briefing. In particular, we would appreciate your views on the following:
- Would you make any changes to our overall topic?
- Are there other technology-related topics that we should consider, for this or future briefings?
- Do you have anything else you would like to share with us about our topic choice?
- Are there any examples of technology use in corrections systems either in New Zealand or overseas that you would like us to consider?
- Long Term Insights Briefing Consultation PDF, 901.7 KB
You can send your feedback to Submissions close at 5pm Friday 29 November 2024.
We will publish a summary of submissions online and will consider your feedback before finalising our Long-Term Insights Briefing topic and scope.
Corrections will seek further feedback on the first draft of the Long-term Insights Briefing in early 2025, before finalising and publishing the