Rehabilitation and intervention

We are trying to break the cycle of re-offending by identifying and working with those who are most likely to re-offend.

Research has shown that re-offending is not reduced simply by incarcerating offenders, or by increasing the harshness of their sentences. However, well-designed and delivered programmes can have a real effect on re-offending.

What we do to rehabilitate offenders

To help people address their offending we assess offenders and provide programmes according to risk, need and their ability to be responsive to the programme.

Our programmes include focuses on motivation to change, cognitive- behavioural interventions and general skills such as parenting and practical life skills.


Motivational programmes

The short motivational programme is designed to improve offenders’ motivation to understand their offending and increase their interest in engaging with other interventions that will reduce their likelihood of re-offending.

Tikanga Maori

Tikanga Maori programmes are group-based programmes, delivered by Maori service providers that use Maori philosophy, values, knowledge and practices to foster the regeneration of Maori identity and values to encourage an offender’s motivation to address the reasons behind their offending.


Child sex offender treatment programme

The aim of this programme is to help adults or adolescents who have sexually abused children under 16 years to change the behaviour associated with their risk of re-offending, and to develop a lifestyle that helps them to maintain these changes and to be safe in the community.

Psychological treatment

This one-on-one intervention primarily deals with high-risk sexual and violent offenders. Psychologists provide specialist advice, assessment, and treatment to reduce an offender’s risk of re-offending.

Kowhiritanga (for female offenders)

Kowhiritanga is a group-based programme for female offenders with identified rehabilitation needs. The programme targets the attitudes and behaviours that contributed to their offending and teaches skills and new ways of thinking.

The Mauri Toa Rangatahi

The Mauri Toa Rangatahi is a group-based programme for males aged less than 20 years with a medium risk of re-offending. The programme aims to address the rehabilitation needs of young men in the community by helping them to understand and start to address the factors that have contributed to their offending.

Non Violence Programmes for Perpetrators of Family Violence

The Non Violence Programme for Perpetrators of Family Violence is a community based programme for male and female offenders assessed as having a low to low-medium risk of reoffending.  The Non Violence Programme adopts a strengths-based, cognitive-behavioural approach to teaching new skills to manage emotions and change beliefs and attitudes that underlie abuse and violence. The Non Violence Programme also ensures participants have strategies in place to maintain their positive changes.

Tai Aroha residential programme

Tai Aroha is a therapeutic community in Hamilton for men of all cultures and nationalities, providing residents who have committed violent offences, with an intensive therapeutic programme and other pro-social activities such as team building, educational activities and work programmes. Watch a video about Tai Aroha

Short rehabilitation programme for women

The Short Rehabilitation Programme is a rehabilitation programme for female offenders in the community and prison. The programme is for offenders who are in locations where a kowhiritanga programme is unable to be provided, or where there are barriers which would preclude them from attending a Kowhiritanga programme.

Short rehabilitation programme for men

The programme for men is offered in the community and prison for offenders with a medium risk of re-offending. This programme is for offenders who are in locations where the Medium Intensity Rehabilitation Programme (MIRP) is unable to be provided, or there are barriers which would preclude them from attending a MIRP.

Medium intensity rehabilitation programme

The medium intensity rehabilitation programme is for male offenders with a medium risk of re-offending. It teaches participants new skills to alter their thoughts, attitudes and behaviours that led to their offending, and assists them to develop strategies for maintaining their positive changes.

Maintenance programme

Maintenance programmes are provided to offenders who have completed their rehabilitation programme. It supports them to practice their new skills and attitudes so that they can lead offence free lives.

Drug and alcohol

Residential alcohol and other drug treatment

Alcohol and drug abuse may or may not be related to a person’s offending, or may contribute to the offending. A residential treatment programme aims to address issues of alcohol and drug abuse, and to reduce harm to the individual, family and society by reducing long-term effects of addiction.

Community alcohol and other drug treatment

We work collaboratively with the Ministry of Health to improve coordination of alcohol and other drug treatment services provided to community based offenders.


Hōkai Tapuwae

Hōkai Tapuwae is fully funded cultural intervention resulting in a report that discusses a person’s whakapapa and cultural identity and presents their place within te Ao Māori. The report can be used by Probation Officers or Case Managers to support an individual’s rehabilitation or reintegration within the community.

To participate in the Hōkai Tapuwae process while residing in the community, the individual’s Probation Officer will arrange for the intervention to take place and report produced. See our information sheet PDF, 171.5 KB for more details.