Review of Gang Connections of External Providers


  1. In August 2015, Quality and Performance conducted a review of the vetting, induction and training processes provided to external providers working in prisons. This review also looked at the relevance and validity of the training materials used for the "Getting Got" training and the uptake of the Authorised Provider Prison Entry (APPE) system.
  2. Quality and Performance with assistance from the National Adviser Volunteers and the Chief Custodial Officer's team developed solutions for the recommendations made in the review. The new process for vetting, induction and training was approved by SD SLT and was to be presented to CSLT for approval before implementation.
  3. However, on 30 June the Chief Executive of the Department of Corrections was made aware that an approved Kaiwhakamana who provides voluntary services to Whanganui Prison is an active gang member. A further review was initiated for all existing volunteers and others to establish whether any of them are current gang members.
  4. The methodology for review of approved volunteers and others providing services into prison is attached as Appendix One.


  1. The purpose of this report is to:
    • Provide information from the initial review of Vetting, Induction and Training of external providers
    • Provide information from, subsequent review of gang connections of approved volunteers and others providing services into prisons
    • provide an approach for improving business process based on findings from the two reviews.
  2. When referring to external providers, this includes all specified visitors such as contracted providers, volunteers, Chaplains, Kaiwhakamana, Fatua Pasefika and researchers and others providing services into prisons.

Click here to download the full report (PDF 343KB).