Released under the OIA

See a selection of information released under the Official Information Act 1982. Files may contain redacted sections as required under the Act.

Publication date Response date Details of the request
3 March 2025 07/11/2024 C187591 - Requesting information about inter-prison transfers PDF, 388.9 KB
29/11/2024 C189066 - Requesting information about offender transfers via airplane in the last five years PDF, 222.9 KB - see C180348
3 February 2025 21/10/2024 C186302 - Requesting information about elderly people in prison
PDF, 549.9 KB
25/10/2024 C187474 - Requesting information regarding convictions for cannabis possession
PDF, 360.7 KB
13 January  2025 06/09/2024 C184743 - Requesting information about compassionate leave for prisoners
PDF, 407.7 KB
16/09/2024 C184936 - Requesting information about gang populations at Otago Corrections Facility (OCF)
PDF, 273.1 KB
2 December 2024 05/08/2024 C182179 - Requesting information about medical services in prisons PDF, 498.2 KB
07/08/2024 C184911 - Requesting copies off all complaints received from inmates regarding accessibility issues PDF, 237.6 KB
08/08/2024 C184476 - Requesting the number of people sentenced to time-served prison sentences over the last 10 years PDF, 995.9 KB
26/08/2024 C184246 - Requesting information about the governance structure within the 810-bed expansion project at Waikeria Prison PDF, 335.2 KB
1 November 2024 01/07/2024 C181494 - Requesting number of staff assaulted from the 4th May 2023 to the 3rd May 2024 in all prisons PDF, 540.0 KB - see C168582
03/07/2024 C182995 - Requesting information and statistics on prisoners who were confined to their own cell as punishment PDF, 311.6 KB - see C179049
11/07/2024 C182227 - Requesting information regarding prisoner self service kiosks PDF, 379.3 KB
16/07/2024 C182806 - Requesting demographic breakdown of the prison population over the past five years, including recidivism rates broken down by ethnicity, age group, and gender PDF, 376.6 KB
22/07/2024 C182994 - Requesting statistics on beds in the prison network, double bunking, staff to prisoner ratio, and wait times for new recruits PDF, 364.7 KB
22/07/2024 C182809 - Requesting reports and evaluations on the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs including for private prisons PDF, 9.6 MB
23/07/2024 C183898 - Requesting the budget per person for prison meals and how this compares as of January 2018 or similar PDF, 248.6 KB
1 October 2024 05/06/2024 C180348 - Requesting information about offender transfers via Airplane in the last five years PDF, 2.4 MB
06/06/2024 C182178 - Requesting information about heat pumps in prisons PDF, 314.5 KB
07/06/2024 C182076 - Requesting information about the transportation of prisoners by means of private jet PDF, 626.1 KB
27/06/2024 C182174 - Requesting information about staffing levels at Rolleston, Christchurch Men's and Christchurch Women's Prisons PDF, 2.0 MB
2 September 2024 30/05/2024 C181808 - Requesting information on the number of gang members on home detention and EM bail PDF, 317.7 KB
29/05/2024 C181451 - Requesting information on the number of Pacific Island staff members PDF, 730.7 KB
24/05/2024 C182057 - Requesting information on the meal costs for people in prison PDF, 285.3 KB
22/05/2024 C180743 - Requesting information on the number of staff assaults at Otago Corrections Facility PDF, 420.0 KB
21/05/2024 C179952 - Requesting information on Corrections' Stories from the Inside recruitment campaign PDF, 2.6 MB
17/05/2024 C179626 - Requesting information about community work sentences in the West Coast Region PDF, 571.4 KB
15/05/2024 C180744 - Requesting information on the number of people that have absconded from EM bail in Otago and Southland PDF, 505.3 KB
07/05/2024 C179878 - Requesting information on the average time spent remanded in custody for each of the last 10 years PDF, 385.2 KB
03/05/2024 C178805 - Requesting information on the Screening Tool for mental illnesses implemented in 2014 PDF, 450.9 KB
03/05/2024 C179316 - Requesting information on the presentation to the NZ Bankers Association on the New Start programme PDF, 2.1 MB
22 August 2024 08/04/2024 C174907 - Requesting information about face-to-face visits, minimum entitlements and staffing levels PDF, 2.1 MB
02/02/2024 C175210 - Requesting information on how many alerts Corrections has received for people being electronically monitored in the past year PDF, 372.6 KB
31/01/2024 C175280 - Requesting information on how many people have removed or tampered with their electronic monitoring bracelet in Rotorua and Tauranga for the last five years PDF, 528.5 KB
29/01/2024 C175808 - Requesting information on Corrections' travel expenditure for 2022-23, including vehicles, taxis and ridesharing PDF, 405.1 KB
19/01/2024 C175976 - Requesting information about nominations and applications for the Community Impact Forum PDF, 243.4 KB
01/02/2024 C176346 - Requesting information on expenditure around Christmas, including bonuses, parties, and other spend PDF, 392.5 KB
04/04/2024 C176382 - Requesting information about personal grievances and mediation over the last three years PDF, 753.2 KB
24/01/2024 C176383 - Requesting information on any words, terms or phrases that Corrections has been directed not to use, including any style guide PDF, 256.2 KB
04/03/2024 C176748 - Requesting information about first and repeat offenders in prison and reintegrative services available PDF, 406.6 KB
08/02/2024 C176892 - Requesting information on people released from prison in 2013-14 who were reimprisoned in 2015-16 PDF, 917.2 KB
01/03/2024 C177540 - Requesting information on the number of deaths in prisons over the last 10 years PDF, 758.1 KB
28/03/2024 C177743 - Requesting information about Corrections top 10 largest contracts for each financial year since 2017-18 PDF, 576.3 KB
10/04/2024 C177849 - Requesting information on the number of people jailed for life who have never been granted parole PDF, 507.6 KB
12/04/2024 C178244 - Requesting information relating to Corrections recruiting now' advertisements and staffing numbers PDF, 352.8 KB
20/03/2024 C178252 - Requesting information on how many people were released from prisons in each calendar year since 2014 PDF, 484.9 KB
10/04/2024 C178684 - Requesting information about when the Drug Treatment Unit (DU) programme at Arohata Prison closed PDF, 390.7 KB
29/04/2024 C178810 - Requesting information on the spend on iced drink machines in prison PDF, 412.2 KB
04/04/2024 C179049 - Requesting information on how many times directed segregation has been used since 2017 PDF, 818.8 KB
22/04/2024 C179734 - Requesting the latest corrections officer staffing levels broken down by prison PDF, 516.3 KB
14 August 2024 04/12/2023 C174847 - Requesting information on how many people in prison in NZ identify as transgender or non-binary PDF, 255.1 KB
28/11/2023 C174693 - Requesting information about offenders in the community giving false or fake urine samples PDF, 349.6 KB 
22/11/2023 C174672 - Requesting information about prisoners with gang affiliations PDF, 533.1 KB
20/11/2023 C173646 - Requesting information on parole and release statistics for each of the last 10 years PDF, 481.5 KB
16/11/2023 C174035 - Requesting information on the number of accommodation placements in Auckland PDF, 285.2 KB
15/11/2023 C174126 - Requesting data provided by Corrections regarding deaths in prisons, nationally and by prison from 2016 to 2023 PDF, 381.0 KB
C174126 - Appendix one XLSX, 63.2 KB 
15/11/2023 C174172 - Requesting information on how many transgender prisoners are in NZ prisons PDF, 352.1 KB
C174172 - Appendix one  XLSX, 1.0 MB
13/11/2023 C173090 - Requesting information on health and safety designations during COVID-19 at Corrections PDF, 316.8 KB
06/10/2023 C171952 - Requesting information on the mean and median duration of sentences served upon release broken down by offence category PDF, 1.3 MB
27/09/2023 C172193 - Requesting information on the number of OIA requests received over the last three years from media or public organisations PDF, 309.6 KB
18/09/2023 C172315 - Requesting information on the latest figures for segregation and isolation statistics PDF, 523.0 KB
14/09/2023 C170553 - Requesting information on prisoner releases PDF, 434.1 KB
31/01/2023 C161867 - Requesting statistics on prison population by offence type data from the last 10 years PDF, 334.1 KB
C161867 - Appendix one  XLSX, 151.5 KB
27/01/2023 C162414 - Requesting information on the exact rate of recorded COVID-19 cases in prison within the last six months PDF, 263.6 KB
15/12/2022 C160485 - Requesting further information regarding contraband found at OCF since 2016 PDF, 451.7 KB
06/12/2022 C160775 - Requesting data on sex offenders living in each local council authority broken down year by year since 2012 PDF, 2.7 MB
29/11/2022 C160800 - Requesting information about any changes to the way prisoners pay for phone call being planned PDF, 302.7 KB
22/11/2022 C160196 - Requesting information about the number of cellphones seized or confiscated from 2020 to date PDF, 314.4 KB
24/11/2022 C158781 - Requesting information on living wage rates of pay for cleaners and security staff in Corrections PDF, 464.2 KB
18/10/2022 C157500 - Requesting various information on sexual violence in prisons for the past ten years PDF, 1.2 MB
10 July 2024 06/12/2023 C174754 - Requesting number of deaths that have occurred at Invercargill Prison for the past ten years and outcome of independent Inspectorate investigation PDF, 1.1 MB
16/09/2023 C170436 - Requesting costs of redundancies, staff placement & training for government staff in Corrections who were mandated out under No Jab No Job mandates PDF, 266.9 KB
24/08/2023 C171535 - Requesting info on the number of staff Corrections terminated or place on any form of 'extended leave' due to vaccination mandates Nov/Dec 2021 & Jan 2022.  Total headcount as of 15/11/2021 & today PDF, 315.9 KB
24/08/2023 C171430 - Requesting a copy of statistics showing the total number of home detention sentences over time and details of the offenders by offence type PDF, 334.3 KB
C171430 - Appendix One XLSX, 68.0 KB
23/08/2023 C170153 - Requesting information on the total spend on flowers in 2022 and the total spend of bottled water in 2022 PDF, 459.3 KB
18/09/2023 C170721 - Requesting information on recruitment and resignations in the department PDF, 588.0 KB
10/08/2023 C169662 - Requesting information about properties that the department manage, how many staff work to procure property. PDF, 279.3 KB
06/09/2023 C169523 - Requesting info on assaults in prisons and how many taken place against staff by prisoners in 2023 in prisons across NZ PDF, 544.2 KB
C169523 - Appendix one XLSX, 444.5 KB
19/07/2023 C170162 - Requesting the number of media requests that the Chief Executive and the executive team has received each year for the past 6 years etc PDF, 254.6 KB
16/08/2023 C169290 - Requesting information on segregation/isolation statistics PDF, 379.6 KB
C169290 - Appendix one PDF, 253.5 KB
C169290 - Appendix two PDF, 139.8 KB
03/07/2023 C169986 - Requesting a breakdown of the cost of each prisoner as at 26th June 2023 PDF, 240.9 KB
08/08/2023 C167816 - Requesting information on suspensions amongst staff within corrections PDF, 483.8 KB
30/06/2023 C167817 - Requesting information on Graphic designers employed by the department PDF, 344.4 KB
05/09/2023 C167818 - Requesting information on redundancies within the department PDF, 493.1 KB
28/06/2023 C168288 - Requesting information around remand populations PDF, 1.3 MB
06/09/2023 C167892 - Requesting an extract of the annual amount spent with all suppliers for the 2021/2022 financial year PDF, 282.5 KB
C167892 - Appendix one XLSX, 92.4 KB
23/06/2023 C167893 - Requesting number of assaults on staff for the last 10 years PDF, 378.7 KB
C167893 - Appendix one
04/08/2023 C167289 - Requesting info re the housing of persons in the care of Corrections in metropolitan Christchurch PDF, 389.5 KB
14/06/2023 C168582 - Requesting information on how many staff were assaulted from 4th May 2022 to 3rd May 2023 in all prisons PDF, 604.4 KB
C168289 - Appendix one PDF, 639.0 KB
08/06/2023 C167642 - Requesting information about the number of GETS tenders, covering the last 4 years, where a public service department specified a cloud computing supplier preference PDF, 297.7 KB
06/07/2023 C167010 - Requesting information on the number of youths that electronically monitored PDF, 472.3 KB
02/06/2023 C167186 - Requesting info re wahine Maori reoffenders with underlying drug problems - broken down by ethnicity and by year from 2019 PDF, 828.1 KB
15/06/2023 C167034 - Requesting information on correctional gear worn by staff PDF, 376.6 KB
C167034 - Appendix one  PDF, 1.4 MB
23/05/2023 C167433 - Requesting info on Indians in NZ prisons PDF, 315.0 KB
19/05/2023 C167717 - Requesting information about music licenses owned by the department PDF, 299.4 KB
15/05/2023 C166673 - Requesting comparative numbers relating to the number of bail breaches of offenders wearing EM trackers PDF, 375.4 KB
05/05/2023 C167096 - Requesting information about people remanded on bail in Rotorua who are in emergency housing PDF, 259.0 KB
06/04/2023 C164905 - Requesting info on trans identifying biological males (transwomen) in women's prisons in NZ PDF, 2.1 MB
05/04/2023 C166217 - Requesting info on how many prisoners convicted of sexual offending have been released into the community where the public living in the vicinity were not informed from 01/01/2022 to 08.03/2023
C166217 - Appendix one PDF, 1.8 MB
24/03/2023 C164837 - Requesting information on Carbon travel limits within the department PDF, 233.0 KB
27/03/2023 C165693 - Requesting info on have any 3D print, or suspected printed, weapons been seized for any Corrections sites PDF, 225.7 KB
02/03/2023 C165551 - Requesting information on CCTV cameras in Prisons PDF, 245.9 KB
16 May 2024 17/03/2023 C164632 - Requesting information about community notifications PDF, 341.1 KB
C164632 - Documents PDF, 805.3 KB
16/03/2023 C164863 - Requesting information about Corrections' recruitment campaign PDF, 348.3 KB
15/03/2023 C164504 - Requesting information about assaults on Corrections Officers PDF, 333.6 KB
13/03/2023 C164973 - Requesting information about the escape of three men on Auckland's southern motorway PDF, 260.0 KB
08/03/2023 C164336 - Requesting information about assaults on Corrections Officers PDF, 372.7 KB
C164336 - Appendix 1 PDF, 635.4 KB
03/03/2023 C164686 - Requested information about Corrections' independent review of our notification policy and accommodation for released prisoners PDF, 346.6 KB
02/03/2023 C164605 - Requesting information about when Auckland prison in-person visits will resume PDF, 3.4 MB
01/03/2023 C164842 - Requesting information about Corrections' Patron Programme PDF, 187.1 KB
27/02/2023 C162649 - Requesting information about purchases of petrol, diesel and-or petrol hybrid vehicles made in the quarter ending June 2022 PDF, 294.6 KB
C162649 - Appendix 1 PDF, 13.1 MB
C162649 - Appendix 2 PDF, 9.8 MB
C162649 - Appendix 3 PDF, 9.4 MB
23/02/2023 C164344 - Requesting information about advice provided to the minister of Corrections PDF, 223.3 KB
23/02/2023 C162610 - Requesting information about rehabilitation and training programmes in 2021-22 PDF, 907.5 KB
22/02/2023 C164335 - Requesting information about the number of shankings and stabbings at Auckland Prison PDF, 242.5 KB
17/02/2023 C163744 - Requesting information regarding Hōkai Rangi Whakataetae Kapa Haka PDF, 414.3 KB
16/02/2023 C164185 Requesting information about spending on consultants PDF, 253.1 KB
15/02/2023 C164123 - Requesting information regarding Corrections' staff convictions PDF, 224.5 KB
14/02/2023 C161866 - Requesting various information PDF, 431.9 KB
C161866 - Prison Staff Ethnicity 2019-22 XLSX, 15.2 KB
14/02/2023 C161829 - Requesting information and data about people managed by corrections in prison PDF, 363.7 KB
13/02/2023 C163832 - Requesting information about Electronic Monitoring equipment PDF, 280.1 KB
03/02/2023 C164155 - Requesting information about people's reluctance or unwillingness to participate in rehabilitation programmes PDF, 236.7 KB
03/02/2023 C162160 - Requesting information about Mental Health Funding provided through Budget 19 PDF, 373.2 KB
03/02/2023 C161811 - Requesting information about mandatory training for staff PDF, 529.6 KB
31/01/2023 C162962 - Requesting information about the number of life paroles between 1 November 2022 and 30 November 2022 PDF, 896.8 KB
27/01/2023 C161778 - Requesting information about external communications received by Corrections relating to face-to-face visits at prisons PDF, 316.7 KB
1 November 2023 25/01/2023 C162338 - Requesting information about people in prison who are subject to a deportation order PDF, 439.1 KB
16/01/2023 C161816 - Requesting information about the cost of Corrections’ recruitment advertisements PDF, 416.2 KB
19/12/2022 C161893 - Requesting information about policies and strategies used to reduce prison population PDF, 304.2 KB
16/12/2022 C161424 - Requesting information about people who have been convicted of murder PDF, 665.2 KB
16/12/2022 C161193 - Requesting information about escape and abscond statistics PDF, 528.4 KB
C161193 - Appendix Two - EM Bail Statistics PDF, 255.9 KB
14/12/2022 C161059 -Requesting statistics on those that have been sentenced to time PDF, 491.6 KB
13/12/2022 C159346 - Requesting information about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) PDF, 294.9 KB
C159346 - Appendix One -Requesting information about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) PDF, 1.1 MB
08/12/2022 C159587 - Requesting information about staff at Northland Region Corrections Facility (NRCF) PDF, 347.8 KB
05/12/2022 C159991 - Requesting information about Case Management at Canterbury Prisons PDF, 436.2 KB
02/12/2022 C159917 - Requesting information about communications relating to the management of media queries PDF, 365.1 KB
C159917 - Appendix One PDF, 719.8 KB
22/11/2022 C158598 - Information relating to a previous response from Corrections PDF, 381.0 KB
C158598 - Appendix One PDF, 1.3 MB
15/11/2022 C159588 - Requesting statistics about remand prisoners PDF, 618.0 KB
09/11/2022 C158838 - Requesting information about home detention PDF, 752.1 KB
09/11/2022 C160275 - Requesting information about assaults on staff at various prisons PDF, 232.0 KB
01/11/2022 C158848, 52, 54 - Requesting information about contraband, gang affiliations and assaults PDF, 1.9 MB
28/10/2022 C158033 - Incidents of self-harm, Arohata Prison and temporary removal to attend funerals PDF, 507.7 KB
C158033 - Appendix Two_A PDF, 7.6 MB
C158033 - Appendix Two_B PDF, 8.2 MB
20/10/2022 C157423_Information_about_the_Ombudsman_report_relating_to_OCF_use_of_force_events_and_property_claims PDF, 641.9 KB
4 April 2023

C156852 Appendix 1 XLSX, 1.0 MB


C157774 Appendix 1 PDF, 157.5 KB


C156049 Appendix 1 PDF, 12.8 MB


C154565 Appendix 1 PDF, 741.0 KB
C154565 Appendix 2 PDF, 764.1 KB


C150309 Appendix 1 XLSX, 1.1 MB

30 November 2022
15/08/2022 C155294 Police officers in custody PDF, 220.5 KB
07/07/2022 C152060 Drones PDF, 333.3 KB
30/05/2022 C149851 Extended supervision orders PDF, 740.7 KB
27/05/2022 C149920 Release to work PDF, 235.4 KB
C149920 Release to work - Appendix 1 PDF, 182.4 KB
19/05/2022 C149512 Dyslexia in prison PDF, 207.3 KB
C149512 Dyslexia in prison - Appendix one PDF, 1.5 MB
13/05/2022 C149481 Most prescribed medicine in prison PDF, 285.3 KB
C149481 Most prescribed medicine in prison Appendix one PDF, 90.5 KB
09/05/2022 C149505 Maximum security prisoners at Auckland Prison PDF, 327.4 KB
06/05/2022 C149013 Fires lit in prison cells PDF, 300.4 KB
19/11/2021 C143001 People serving community-based sentences and orders PDF, 111.0 KB
C143001 Appendix 1 XLSX, 17.1 KB
03/05/2022 C149408 Remand accused and remand sentenced prisoners PDF, 202.8 KB
08/04/2022 C149272  Solitary confinement and segregation PDF, 307.9 KB
30/03/2022 C148686 Instant noodle sales in prisons PDF, 431.6 KB
22/03/2022 C149840 Prisoners with gang affiliations PDF, 257.1 KB
C149840 Prisoners with gang affiliations Appendix 1 PDF, 2.0 MB
22/03/2022 C148223 Official Information Act requests PDF, 491.1 KB
04/03/2022 C146461 Information about Provision of Advice to the Courts reports PDF, 368.0 KB
28/02/2022 C145297 Women in prison on remand PDF, 307.4 KB
C145297 Appendix 1 Women in prison on remand XLSX, 11.8 KB
14/02/2022 C145886 and C145887 Notification process for victims and JD for probation officers PDF, 260.4 KB
C145887 Appendix 1 Probation officer job description XLSX, 11.8 KB
08/02/2022 C144373 Nurse entry to practice PDF, 265.2 KB
31/01/2022 C144719 Programmes re trauma based therapy PDF, 336.2 KB
23/12/2021 C138662 Prison psychologists and counsellors, appointments for psychological help and self-harm incidents PDF, 300.1 KB
02/12/2021 C139272 Sexual assaults in prisons PDF, 661.0 KB
30/11/2021 C137738 Media requests for interviews with prisoners PDF, 305.8 KB
7 March 2022 16/07/2021 C137639 - Reoffending on home detention and supervision PDF, 491.1 KB
30/07/2021 C138166 - Information given to prisoners about media engagement PDF, 294.6 KB
30/07/2021 C138409 - Weddings in prisons PDF, 428.0 KB
04/08/2021 C135071 - Babies born in prison PDF, 340.2 KB
C135071 - Babies born in prison - Appendix One PDF, 1.2 MB
12/08/2021 C135435 - Spending to date on the Maori Pathways initiative PDF, 655.9 KB
16/08/2021 C136983 - Prisoner employment and income schemes PDF, 328.8 KB
C136983 - Prisoner employment and income schemes - Appendix One PDF, 703.2 KB
 C136983 - Prisoner employment and income schemes - Appendix Two PDF, 2.3 MB
27/09/2021 C139625 - Investigations into Corrections staff PDF, 577.3 KB
09/10/2021 C141508 - Habitation centres evaluation report PDF, 216.4 KB
C141508 - Habitation centres evaluation report - Appendix PDF, 3.6 MB
20/10/2021 C141712 - Corrections  carbon neutrality by 2025 PDF, 312.0 KB
21/10/2021 C141615 - Contractual relationship with Serco PDF, 302.0 KB
21/10/2021 C141781 - Alcohol and drug programmes PDF, 329.5 KB
C141781 - Appendix - Alcohol and drug programmes XLSX, 28.4 KB
12/11/2021 C142687 - Prison stats - preventive detention, life sentences PDF, 442.2 KB
18/11/2021 C143119 - Performance payments PDF, 141.5 KB
C143119 - Performance payments - Appendix One PDF, 774.4 KB
02/12/2021 C143532 - Remand and sentence stats PDF, 232.5 KB
15/12/2021 C144233 - Housing for people released from prison in the Rotorua area PDF, 310.9 KB
C144233 - Remand and sentence stats - Appendix PDF, 4.2 MB 
21/12/2021 C142429 - Alcohol and drug programmes - costs PDF, 249.3 KB
23 December 2021 05/10/2021 C133922 - Spending of mental health and addiction budget allocations
PDF, 232.3 KB
19/09/2021 C131801 - Corrections staff who have been investigated at work PDF, 862.4 KB
19/07/2021 C134997 - Corrections spending on drug-related activity
PDF, 339.0 KB
04/06/2021 C134456 - Number of people who breached their sentence of community work over the past five years
PDF, 383.8 KB
25/05/2021 C133838 - Corrections contracts, data on suicide and contraband drug seizures in NZ prisons PDF, 316.4 KB
C133838 Appendix One PDF, 158.7 KB  
C133838 Appendix Two PDF, 137.4 KB
C133838 Appendix Three PDF, 76.6 KB
C133838 Appendix Four PDF, 251.2 KB
C133345 - Misconducts progressing through the internal disciplinary process
PDF, 124.9 KB
27/04/2021 C132538 - Custodial disciplinary hearings PDF, 131.5 KB 
07/04/2021 C130130 - Statistics on investment, use and results of cognitive-behavioural therapy
PDF, 487.4 KB
12/03/2021 C129170 - Double bunking and cell sizes PDF, 123.2 KB
09/03/2021 C130216 - Contraband and drug testing in prisons
PDF, 1.3 MB
03/03/2021 C132102 - Corrections insurance policies
PDF, 141.6 KB
03/03/2021 C126964 - Compassionate leave granted to people in prison
PDF, 989.7 KB
6 September 2021 06/09/2021 C134621 – Practice Review into placement of Aaron Laurence (aka Aaron Castle) PDF, 9.8 MB
30 June 2021 26/05/2021 C132256 – Prisoner assaults on other prisoners PDF, 148.9 KB
C132256 Appendix One PDF, 74.5 KB
C132256 Appendix Two PDF, 154.1 KB
12/05/2021 C133751 – Individuals held in segregation at prison PDF, 1.4 MB
C133751 Appendix One PDF, 210.9 KB
30/04/2021 C133685 – Australian citizens in New Zealand prisons PDF, 422.4 KB
27/04/2021 C132138 – Gangs in New Zealand prisons PDF, 105.6 KB
C132138 Appendix One PDF, 209.3 KB
12/04/2021 C130408 – 2018/19 Wellbeing Budget for the Māori Pathways Initiative PDF, 298.5 KB
07/04/2021 C131079 – Assaults on prison staff PDF, 169.4 KB
C131079 Appendix One PDF, 84.9 KB
C131079 Appendix Two PDF, 82.4 KB
07/04/2021 C130130 – Information regarding cognitive-behavioural therapy PDF, 503.5 KB
06/04/2021 C131024 – People committing offences while subject to a community-based sentence or order PDF, 500.9 KB
01/04/2021 C131255 – Corrections policies for staff on different topics PDF, 715.0 KB
C131255 Appendix One PDF, 303.0 KB
C131255 Appendix Two PDF, 340.6 KB
C131255 Appendix Three PDF, 422.5 KB
C131255 Appendix Four PDF, 204.5 KB
C131255 Appendix Five PDF, 929.9 KB
C131255 Appendix Six PDF, 230.9 KB
10/12/2020 C129626 – Use of the cell buster by Corrections PDF, 104.5 KB
C129626 Appendix One PDF, 66.3 KB
22 June 2021  

B4120 Waikeria ex-gratia payments - approval to draft a cabinet paper PDF, 507.3 KB

B4137 Cabinet paper proposing ex-gratia payments to staff and people in prison  due to

Waikeria riot PDF, 1.1 MB
Cabinet paper - ex-gratia payments  to staff and prisoners due to the Waikeria riot. PDF, 202.2 KB

7 April 2021 12/02/2021 C127276 Temporary release of people in prison PDF, 733.7 KB
10/02/2021 C127273 Electronic Monitoring data from the 2014/15 to 2019/20 financial years PDF, 827.0 KB
10/02/2021 C128077/C128095 Information on contraband in New Zealand prisons PDF, 351.1 KBC128077/C128095 Appendix one XLSX, 2.6 MB
02/02/2021 C130318 Information regarding the disorder event at Waikeria Prison PDF, 153.5 KB
12/01/2021 C127382 Information regarding convicted child sex offenders managed by Corrections PDF, 1.3 MB
21/12/2020 C126459/C126456/C126471/C126466 Various information regarding older prisoners, COVID-19 testing and safety procedures, and staff demographics. PDF, 5.6 MB
15/12/2020 C126653 Escapes from custody from the 2015/16 to 2019/20 financial years PDF, 2.1 MB
18 December 2020 30/09/2020 C122527 Information regarding incidents of violence in prisons involving people with gang affiliations PDF, 513.3 KB
28/09/2020 C125101 Information regarding visits by Members of Parliament to prisons PDF, 297.0 KB
24/09/2020 C125697 Preventive Detention between the 2009-2020 financial years PDF, 756.1 KB
23/09/2020 C124483 Transgender and gender diverse individuals in custody PDF, 385.6 KB
22/09/2020 C124282 The current canteen (P119) items available in prisons PDF, 433.3 KB
09/09/2020 C123180 A copy of the review into lockdown hours in prisons PDF, 1.5 MB
09/09/2020 C123358 People in prison with gang affiliations PDF, 911.2 KB
09/09/2020 C123415 Phone calls from people in prison PDF, 2.1 MB
01/09/2020 C122556 Operational review into lockdown hours at Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility PDF, 3.1 MB
13/08/2020 C122752 Information regarding deaths in custody (2005-2020) PDF, 504.5 KB
13/08/2020 C123213 Information about the EM Bail population and High Impact Innovation (HIIP) team PDF, 2.0 MB
12/08/2020 C122893 Information about assaults and use of force over the last five financial years PDF, 2.6 MB
11/08/2020 C121464 Information on local operating manual procedures supporting Health Care Pathway Policy PDF, 1.5 MB
03/07/2020 C121146 Operational Review into an incident at Christchurch Men’s Prison on 29 October 2019 PDF, 7.1 MB
30/10/2020 Information relating to costs associated with the sentencing of the Christchurch terrorist PDF, 194.4 KB
26 June 2020 18/05/2020 B4023 Community Engagement for the Housing and Support Services Programme – May to July 2020 PDF, 777.3 KB
June 2020  13/05/2020 B4024 Minimum entitlements – one hour of physical exercise PDF, 1.6 MB
16/04/2020 B4016 Impact Analysis for proposed legislative amendment to section 139 of the Corrections Act 2004 PDF, 1.1 MB
16/04/2020 B4014 Support available for people being released from prison in COVID-19 Alert Level 4 PDF, 797.8 KB
23/04/2020 B4017 Update on deportees in the COVID-19 context PDF, 1.0 MB
06/04/2020 B4011 Proposed legislative amendment to section 139 of the Corrections Act 2004 PDF, 1.3 MB
May 2020 26/03/2020 B4008 Request to issue Epidemic Management Notices to ensure the Parole Board can make decisions and community sentences can be administered effectively PDF, 7.9 MB
25/03/2020 B4009 Measures to mitigate the risks posed by COVID-19 Update 2 PDF, 1.7 MB
23/03/2020 B4006 Measures to mitigate the risks posed by COVID-19 PDF, 2.3 MB
  10/09/2018 SSC Inquiry into the Use of External Security Consultants PDF, 2.0 MB.