M.01.04 Time out

  1. Time out is the process by which the prisoner is allowed to withdraw from associating with other prisoners for a period of up to three hours.
  2. The prisoner may requests the initial time out period and it should only be approved if it is considered to be in the best interest of the prisoner.
  3. Staff must use [M.01.04.Form.01 Time out] to clearly document in writing all the steps of the time out process.
  4. Hourly checks must be completed to determine whether the prisoner requests the time out to continue for another hour or if they want to withdraw from it.
  5. Time out ceases to apply when the prisoner withdraws from it.
  6. Time out automatically ends after three hours.
  7. Upon expiry of the three hour maximum period, the general manager custodial may give a direction for segregation for protective custody without the prisoner’s consent.
  8. If a further direction for segregation for protective custody is authorised, a copy of this authorisation must be attached to the [M.01.04.Form.01 Time out].
  9. A review of the [M.01.04.Form.01 Time out] must be completed by the PCO before placement on the prisoner’s file.
  10. No staff member can approve a further period of time out for the same prisoner within any 24 hour period.
  11. Consultation with the PCO must take place before any subsequent time out period is approval for the same prisoner, to allow monitoring and investigation of any pattern of requests.