M.02.03 Completing female review security classification

  1. Every security classification must be reviewed at least once every six months during the course of the prisoner's sentence, unless the prisoner has a security classification of minimum.
  2. The focus of the review is on the prisoner's behaviour during the sentence, what she has done to address her offending, tempered by a number of historical factors, whether or not the prisoner has any outstanding charges and the time the prisoner has to complete before being eligible for parole, next Parole Board hearing date or release.
  3. The [M.02.03.Form.01 Female review security classification] reassesses a prisoner's internal and external risk after a period of time in prison. It must not be used for an initial classification.
  4. Every prisoner, including classified minimum must have her security classification reviewed when risk levels appear to substantially change or whenever there is a significant change in the prisoner's circumstances.
  5. Significant change may be indicated by any of the following:
    1. There is a change to the length of the period that the prisoner is required to serve in detention (whether as a consequence of the imposition of another sentence or as a consequence of an increase, or reduction, of the term of the prisoner's existing sentence, on appeal or otherwise).
    2. The prisoner escapes, or attempts to escape.
    3. In the opinion of the general manager custodial, the prisoner does anything that involves serious offending (Serious offending means the prisoner is charged before a court with an offence under any Act other than the [Corrections Act 2004], and is convicted of that offence) or there is an event or a change in the prisoner's circumstances or behaviour that indicates that the prisoner's present security classification may be inappropriate.
  6. When there is reason to think a prisoner’s risk level has increased or decreased by a large amount, their security classification should immediately be reviewed. Signs that a prisoner’s risk level has changed by a large amount could include:
    1. a continuing worsening of behaviour, compliance or motivation
    2. new intelligence information
    3. a serious incident or misconduct charge
    4. a deportation order being placed on a prisoner
    5. Parole Board reports indicating risk has increased or decreased
    6. a prisoner participates positively in, or completes, a programme.

Note: Reviews should not be conducted in response to minor changes in risk that can be managed according to the guidelines on managing daily changes in risk.

M.02.03.01 Matters to consider when reviewing a security classification

Internal risk

  1. Duration of sentence left to serve.
  2. Current state of mental health.
  3. Co-operation with staff.
  4. Misconducts and incidents during the sentence.
  5. Motivation to achieve sentence plan objectives, and success in achieving them.
  6. Historical and current state of the prisoner’s mental health.
  7. Cooperation with staff including:
    1. ability and motivation to interact effectively and responsibly with others with little or no supervision;
    2. low levels of management intervention.
  8. Misconducts and incidents during sentence, including:
    1. Compliance with conditions of temporary removals or temporary releases;
    2. outstanding charges;
    3. IDU history and drug-related activities.
  9. Seriousness of the most serious current offence.
  10. Seriousness of any outstanding charges.
  11. Likelihood of escape as evidenced by any past escape or attempted escape.
  12. Any other matters specified in writing by the Chief Executive.

External risk

  1. Duration of sentence left to serve taking account of total duration of sentence imposed and parole eligibility.
  2. Motivation to achieve sentence plan objectives, and success in achieving them, including:
    1. interest and active participation in sentence plan activities, particularly those aimed at aiding reintegration and reducing need for a structured environment;
    2. changes in prisoner behaviour.
  3. Likelihood of escape when outside the confines of prison.
  4. History of violence as shown by previous conviction history and time since previous conviction.
  5. Any other matters specified in writing by the Chief Executive.

M.02.03.02 Instructions

  1. Both parts of the form must be completed, unless instructions indicate otherwise.
  2. This is an online process, not designed to support manual (offline) completion.
  3. All questions are answered through selection of an appropriate score.
  4. Whilst you are not able to add comments in individual sections, provision has been made for supporting comments to be entered in section "C. Assign Security Classification" for the initiating officer, and section "D. Approval" for the recommending officer and approving officer.
  5. Calculation of the applicable security classification is automatically undertaken upon completion of the form.
  6. If the prisoner scores 50 or more on the internal risk section, there is no need to complete the external risk section as they will automatically receive a maximum security classification.
  7. Likewise, if a prisoner scores between 27 and 49 on the internal risk section, there is no need to complete the external section as they will automatically receive a high security classification.
  8. The [M.02.03.Res.01 Completing Female review security classification guidelines] details the question to be answered, whether it is pre-populated, the sources referred to and any other relevant information / instruction.

M.02.03.03 Sources of information

  1. IOMS is used as the principal source for information required for this form (both sections that are pre-populated, and those requiring manual completion).
  2. Other sources you should refer to when completing this form include:
    1. Criminal and Traffic Conviction History
    2. Penal file
    3. Judge's sentencing notes
    4. Warrant(s) of Imprisonment
    5. Remand Warrants
    6. IOMS Query Active Charges Report
  3. If there is any inconsistency in information, the information supplied by the primary documentation is to be used in preference to other sources.

M.02.03.04 Prisoner to be advised

  1. Prisoners must be advised in writing of their security classification and the reasons for the classification within 72 hours of its approval.
  2. Prisoners must be informed of their right to a review under [section 48(2) of the Corrections Act 2004].