M.02.06 Maximum Security Classification

The process for assessing maximum security and subsequent reviews is designed to ensure only prisoners who genuinely require management as maximum security are managed in a maximum security prison.

The process requires trained staff to answer a series of questions about the prisoner to create an evidence-based proposal for classification to maximum security.

Contact the National Office Youth Team youthteam@corrections.govt.nz about any prisoners under 18 years old before assigning a classification. It is recommended they are also contacted for anyone 18-24 years old.

If the recorded information is not sufficient to warrant placement of the prisoner as maximum, the general manager custodial of a prison that does not accommodate maximum security prisoners may override an IOMS assessment of maximum security to a lower classification with documented support from their deputy commissioner.

The general manager custodial of the maximum security prisons will consider all recommendations to assign a maximum security classification and make the final decision on whether to:

  • classify the prisoner as maximum security, or
  • assign a lower classification for prisoners assessed at their own sites, or
  • refer the assessment back to the assessing site if they do not agree to assign a maximum security classification
  • override the assessment and/or recommendation for prisoners assessed at their own sites.

The assessment can be referred to the Director Custodial Operations if the general manager custodial of a maximum security prison declines to assign a maximum security classification and an assessing site does not agree a lower security classification should be assigned. In these circumstances, the Director Custodial Operations will be responsible for approving a maximum security classification or assigning a lower security classification.