M.03.02.03 Support people

  1. A [M.03.02.Form.03 Birth support plan] will be developed by the pregnant woman with the support of the Social Worker to record escort instructions for the birth event.
    Note: This is different to the birth plan that the woman and her midwife will create which details how she will give birth.
    (See [M.03.02.Res.01 Midwifery care for women in prison information sheet].)
  2. The [M.03.02.Form.03 Birth support plan] will:
    1. identify support people to include in decision making and activities relating to pregnancy
    2. identify support people for labour and birth and approved visitors after birth, and apply for approval for the identified support people to attend where required
    3. identify any cultural, religious, and spiritual customs, practices and beliefs
    4. identify what items need to be with the pregnant woman during escort and what will return with the mother to prison (especially if she is likely to be separated from her child)
    5. identify the period that the plan is relevant for
    6. be considered and approved by the general manager custodial (or delegate)
    7. will be carried on escort and provide additional information for escort instructions.

    When completing the [M.03.02.Form.03 Birth support plan],
    collaboration between Social Workers and Custodial staff is required to ensure continuity of care and support.

  3. Ideally, a Corrections Officer (CO) / staff member will not be the support person for a pregnant woman. However, in exceptional circumstances (such as not having a support person available, or support person / people unable to get to hospital in time) this may be requested. The woman must sign [M.03.02 Form.03 Consent for CO presence during medical examination] in these situations.
  4. A woman may withdraw her request / consent to have a CO as a support person once at the medical facility / hospital.
    Alternatively, she may request that the CO remain as a support person for the appointment / labour and/or birth. The CO must record this in their notebook and request that medical personnel also note this in their records.

Where the support person resides in the community decisions on requests for support person attendance at a woman’s maternity appointments, labour and birth will be made by the general manager custodial.

Watch Point

Where the support person resides in prison applications for support person attendance at a woman’s
maternity appointments, labour and birth are subject to temporary release or temporary removal criteria.

Decisions on applications will be made by the general manager custodial of the prison the support person resides at.


Where the support person is a person residing at another prison the general manager custodial from both prisons should consult and work together to ensure decisions regarding support attendance are not made in isolation.