M.03.02.05 Temporary removals for women 30+ weeks pregnant, in labour, giving birth or post partum

  1. All women 30+ weeks pregnant, in labour, giving birth or post partum before return to prison who are being escorted on temporary removal are subject to the conditions of POM [M.04.05 Temporary removals].
  2. All women in labour will be escorted by female custodial staff except under exceptional circumstances.
    Watch Point

    Advice from the midwife or other health professional must be considered by the general manager custodial in making the decision to approve the temporary removal to hospital for labour and birth.

    Her partner / support person(s) / whānau will be advised as per [M.03.02.Form.03 Birth support plan].

  3. Mechanical restraints will not be used on women on escort who are 30+ weeks pregnant, are in labour, or remain in hospital with their child after giving birth. This must be identified on the escort instruction.
  4. Should a risk of escape or another risk be identified, the risks must be managed by the approving officer using steps other than mechanical restraint use and these are recorded on [M.04.01.Form.01 Instructions for Escort].
    Watch Point

    The approving officer is to undertake a risk management approach which includes (but is not limited to):

    • The number of escorting staff (additional staff required for higher risk).
    • The experience of staff on escort.
    • The management of visitors.
    • The mode of transport (for example ambulance, car, or alternative vehicle).
    • A multi-disciplinary approach.
    • Any oversight and/or visit to hospital by a senior manager.
    • Expectation that escort staff are to liaise with the general manager custodial (or delegate) when escort instructions require variation / temporary amendment / clarification.
    Watch Point

    On the day of temporary removal escorting staff are to:

    • Check rooms upon arrival at hospital to ensure all exit points from room are covered.
    • Position themselves outside the door of the labouring / birthing room.
    • Consult with hospital staff before re-entering the room.
      Use discretion, in consultation with hospital staff, midwife and general manager custodial to determine when it would be appropriate for escort staff to re-enter the hospital room.
  5. Escorting staff are not to remain in the hospital room unless:
    1. the woman has specified this in her [M.03.02.Form.03 Birth support plan]; or
    2. the woman has requested that they remain; or
    3. health professionals have requested that they remain; or
    4. the risk of escape or other identified risk is unacceptably high and cannot be managed in a less restrictive way.
      In this instance, the general manager custodial will have authorised staff to remain in the room which will be clearly stated on [M.04.01.Form.01 Instructions for Escort].

    CO’s / staff member’s will not generally be a support person for a woman.

    In exceptional circumstances, a woman may request CO support through signing [M.03.02 Form.01 Consent for CO presence during medical examination]. (Refer [M.03.02.03 Support people]).

    Consent to have a CO as a support person can be withdrawn at any time. Alternatively, she may request the CO remain as a support person for the appointment / labour and/or birth.

    The CO must record this in their notebook and request that medical personnel also note this in their records.

  6. Women will be supported to observe their cultural, religious, and spiritual, customs, practices and beliefs during labour and after birth (where appropriate and to the extent practicable) provided there is no risk of escape or other identified risk.

    Examples of Māori cultural practices are:

    1. Karakia – Incantations that give guidance, instructions within a kaupapa Māori context.
    2. Oriori – Curriculum of learning specifically for unborn and new-born taonga / treasure. Sung in a succinct, particular way.
    3. Mirimiri – The act of massaging the body to realign and give balance to the inner self.
    4. Waiata – Literally means a reflection within the water that describes and speaks of what is seen by the naked eye and is expressed as song.
    5. Kiri Pātahi – The act of a person’s skin coming in contact with another (skin to skin).
    6. Whenua – That place where humankind comes from Connection to the land is the key e.g. mana whenua, tangata whenua, Papatuanuku (Mother Earth.) Both placenta and the land are referred to as whenua.

    Please note that different iwi / cultures may have different interpretations or practices to the above examples. Staff should seek cultural advice as required.