M.03.07.01 Young women aged between 14 and 17 years of age

  1. The Prison Population Advisor, Youth in National Office will advise the reception/movements manager when:
    1. a young person has entered guilty pleas and a conviction has been recorded, and
    2. a Youth Court Judge has declined jurisdiction (this is an indication that the young person is likely to receive a custodial sentence), and
    3. the sentencing is scheduled in the District or High Court.
  2. The reception/movements manager will arrange for escort staff to attend the young person’s sentencing event.
  3. After a conviction is entered but prior to the young person’s sentencing a departmental psychologist (or other approved Corrections employee) in conjunction with a representative from Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children will complete an initial [Young Person Placement Assessment (YPPA)].
  4. If the young person is sentenced to a term of imprisonment escort staff will be advised at the Court by the Prison Population Advisor, Youth or the Director Custodial Operations where the young person is to begin serving their sentence. The young person will be directed to be placed at either:
    1. a designated woman’s prison or corrections facility, or
    2. a Oranga Tamariki Youth Justice Residence.
  5. If the young person is required to serve the initial part (or all of their) sentence at a Youth Justice Residence, it is not desirable for a young person to spend any time in a prison. If the young person cannot be taken directly to a Youth Justice Residence, enquires should be made with the NZ Police to determine if the young person can be detained at a Police Station, pending their transfer to a Youth Justice Residence.
  6. If the young person is not sentenced (i.e. sentencing is adjourned) as they remain the responsibility of Oranga Tamariki or a non-custodial sentence is imposed, Corrections escort staff must not take custody of them.
  7. Where approval has been given for a young person to serve all or part of their sentence of imprisonment within a Youth Justice Residence, they remain in the legal custody of the relevant prison’s general manager custodial.
  8. The day-to-day control and management of the young person while in a residence rests with the manager of the residence in consultation with the relevant prison's general manager custodial.
  9. To give effect to this, a joint case management meeting must be convened as soon as possible but within five working days following the young person’s admission to the residence. Central to the process of joint case management will be the preparation of a sentence management. The Agreement will include the following:
    1. the calculation and review of the young person’s parole eligibility date and/or final release date
    2. the calculation and review of the young person’s security classification
    3. the calculation and administration of the young person’s temporary release entitlements
    4. the administration of the young person’s pre-release and post-release requirements
    5. the administration of any disciplinary procedures in relation to the young person.
  10. If a residential manager has concerns relating to the placement of a young person in a woman’s prison / corrections facility, or Oranga Tamariki advised of concern with the young person’s placement in their residence, they must immediately advise the Prison Population Advisor, Youth who will arrange a review of the [YPPA].