M.03.07.02 Young women under 18 years old

  1. A female checklist [M.03.07.Form.01 Application to mix under 18 with adult prisoner] must be completed on all female prisoners under the age of 18 years (young person), to determine if it is in their best interests to be mixed with female prisoners aged 18 years and over (adults).
  2. The female checklist [M.03.07.Form.01 Application to mix under 18 with adult prisoner] must be completed within 72 hours of the prisoner being received into prison for the first time. Placement should be reviewed when circumstances require i.e. after an incident or following an inter prison transfer.
  3. The principal corrections officer must:
    1. Complete the [M.03.07.Form.01 Application to mix under 18 with adult prisoner] and make a placement recommendation to the deputy commissioner.
    2. Provide documentation i.e. IOMS reports and sentencing documentation to the deputy commissioner to support the placement recommendation.
    3. Ensure the deputy commissioner signs the female checklist indicating final placement decision.
    4. Place YOUNG PERSON alert type on IOMS with one of the following comments:
      1. approval to mix with adults while inside a prison; or
      2. to be kept separate from adults while inside a prison.
  4. Place the original copy of the female checklist on the prisoner’s file.

Note: Where young women are required to be transported to court, hospital or other external facility, they must be kept physically separate from female adults, even if approval has been given to mix while inside a prison.