M.03.08.04 Procedure when general manager custodial declines application

  1. If the decision of the general manager custodial is not to approve the mother’s application (or a request for an emergency reception) to have her child reside in prison or attend the feeding and bonding facility:
    1. this decision must be conveyed to the mother in writing with a full explanation of the reason(s) for the decline [M.03.08.Form.03 Decision for mother with child placement]
    2. the mother must be advised if the decision is open to further consideration and if so when another application may be submitted
    3. the mother must be informed of her rights to request her application be reviewed by the chief executive and the timeframes for submitting such a request
    4. arrangements must be made for the child to be placed in the care of the agreed alternative caregiver, and/or
    5. notification must be made to Oranga Tamariki, and/or
    6. the unit PCO must arrange for the mother to undertake [M.05 Prisoner at risk of self-harm] [M.05.02.Form.01 Review risk assessment] as required.