
These procedures are designed to ensure that prisoner property is correctly:

  • categorised,
  • issued or stored, and
  • recorded both on IOMS and in hardcopy on the prisoner’s file.

These procedures cover the following:

  • the issuing, management and disposal of standard issue property.
  • the recording, labelling, storing and disposing of unclaimed property on prison sites, including property of doubtful ownership and that of an escapee.
  • checking, receipting, packing and handover of prisoner property upon release or discharge of the prisoner, and the disposal of the property of a prisoner who has died in custody.
  • how prisoner property may be added to one of the property schedules, or moved from one schedule to another.

These procedures detail:

  • making decisions about storing prisoner property, including valuable items, and in labelling, storage conditions, and prisoner inspection.
  • checking and labelling of prisoner property before transfer, the checking of television sets before and after transfer, and minimum clothing and toiletries to be issued to a prisoner on transfer.
  • how a prisoner’s claim for lost or damaged property is made, investigated, decided and paid.
  • destruction and disposal of prisoner property, and requiring its removal from prison.