P.02 Storing property

These procedures guide general manager custodial and staff in decisions about storing prisoner property, including valuable items, and in labelling, storage conditions, and prisoner inspection.

Storing property criteria

  1. Only a prisoners court clothes or release clothes and small valuables, will be kept in storage while they are in prison. (It is preferred that prisoners send valuable items such as watches and jewellery to friends and family to look after until their release). Prisoners will continue to be allowed to have personal property items in their cell, but they must all fit into a space that measures 500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth. A standard plastic container will be used to measure this.
  2. The residential manager must decide, reasonably promptly, whether or not to store any other prisoner property placed in his or her charge.
  3. Prisoner property will be stored if:
    1. the residential manager has agreed to store it, or
    2. it has been placed in the general manager custodial’s charge and the residential manager has decided to store it.
  4. Prisoner property may not be stored if:
    1. the prisoner has not signed the [P.01.Form.03 Property liability acknowledgement] acknowledging that the liability of the Crown for any loss of, or damage to, the stored property is limited to a maximum amount of $400 per item
    2. the prisoner has not signed the [P.01.Form.04 Acknowledgement of responsibility for property].
    3. the total property stored on a prisoner’s behalf is unable to be stored in a standard plastic container measuring 500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth, unless the general manager custodial makes an exception
    4. its shape, size, or nature makes it unsuitable for storing in a prison, or
    5. the residential manager believes for any other reason that the property cannot reasonably be stored in the prison.
    6. prohibited or unauthorised, unless the general manager custodial makes an exception.

P.02.01 Labelling property

  1. All stored property is to be securely and clearly labelled with an IOMS generated label (either a tag or label) displaying the prisoner's:
    1. name and PRN
    2. container identifier, and
    3. container location.

P.02.02 Property storage conditions

  1. Where the residential manager has agreed to store non-issued property, the general manager custodial must ensure that the property is stored in such a way that it:
    1. does not deteriorate
    2. is not damaged, lost or mislaid
    3. can promptly be identified and retrieved for the purpose of inspection, issue, return, or any other lawful purpose, and
    4. is held in an area with restricted access.
  2. Any article of clothing that is to be placed in storage must be in a clean condition before being stored.
  3. Storage container quantities must be maintained, and exceptions (property not stored in containers) communicated and recorded where necessary.
  4. Approved property items stored on a prisoner's behalf (except for court clothing) must be placed in a tamper proof clear plastic bag, and
    1. all items entered into IOMS
    2. a label must be completed which is fused onto the bag
    3. a completed IOMS property receipt must be placed into the secure bag with receipt detail showing outwards so it may be viewed without opening the bag
    4. the secure bag must be sealed with self adhesive seal and serial number placed into IOMS
    5. the secure bag must be placed into a standard plastic container (500 mm length x 400 mm width x 300 mm depth).
  5. Prisoners court clothing.
    1. All court clothing will be entered into IOMS
    2. All items will be placed into a garment bag (hanging kit).
    3. Garment bag has two way zip to be tied together by plastic tie to secure bag.
    4. IOMS property receipt to be placed into the right hand plastic pocket with prisoner name and PRN showing outwards so to be seen by staff.
    5. When issuing court clothing to a prisoner or when the prisoner has returned back to the prison, the custodial officer will check the items of clothing being issued and/or returned coincide with the items on the property receipt.
    6. The officer is to sign, date and enter his / her tag number confirming the correct items have been issued and have been returned and secure bag if applicable.
    7. If there is any difference between what the prisoner is returning and what is on the IOMS receipt, this is to be noted onto the IOMS receipt, signed and date by the officer and the prisoner, if the prisoner refuses to sign then it is to be counter signed by another officer and an investigation needs to commence.

P.02.03 Valuable property items to be stored in a secure area

  1. Valuable property items must be stored separately from other items and retained in a locked cabinet or safe in a clear plastic bag and may be accessed by the prisoner only on approval of the residential manager. Valuable items include:
    1. money
    2. jewellery
    3. banking instruments.

P.02.04 Prisoner inspection of stored property

  1. Prisoners must have residential approval prior to inspecting their stored small (valuable) property.
  2. A prisoner may check their other stored property on the following three occasions:
    1. after transfer
    2. within 1 month of release
    3. at any time, with the approval of the general manager custodial.