Cleaning agents are clearly labelled, to identify their contents, and safely and securely stored and handled.
The decision to use specific cleaning agents is based on effectiveness, cost and technical advice.
All chemicals and cleaning agents are stored in containers of original packaging where practicable.
Where original containers are not used, the containers must be appropriate to hold the contents and be correctly labelled to accurately identify the contents.
All manufacturers’ instructions are kept in a MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) folder in accordance with the [Health and Safety at Work Act 2015].
All manufacturers’ guidelines in relation to using, handling and storage will be followed.
Redundant containers are returned to stores.
All restricted substances are kept locked in a designated cupboard.
Chemicals and / or cleaning agents are not mixed or stored with food products.
Appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) is identified, supplied and worn as per the MSDS sheet.
Chemical spills are notified to the appropriate parties i.e. general manager custodial, health manager, manager responsible for each area.