Offender Volumes Report 2007

This Offender Volumes Report presents information about the offender population managed by the Department, based on analysis of longitudinal offender management histories from 1980 until 2007.

1 Introduction: Offender Volumes

1.1 New report
1.2 Snapshot and throughput perspectives
1.3 New methodology and counting rules, large historic data collection
1.4 Graphical reporting supported by hyperlinked data spreadsheets
1.5 New “inventory” approach
1.6 Offender pool

2 Prison sentenced: "snapshot" perspective

2.2 Prison sentenced snapshot trend since 1980
2.3 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by gender
2.4 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by age
2.5 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by preferred ethnicity
2.6 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by offence category
2.7 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by management category
2.8 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by initial year convicted
2.9 Prison sentenced snapshot trend by discretionary release eligibility
2.10 Prison sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by gender-ethnicity-age
2.11 New Zealand population at 2006-06-30 by gender-ethnicity-age
2.12 Imprisonment rates at 2007-06-30 by gender-ethnicity-age
2.13 Prison sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by imposed term and age
2.14 Prison sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by offence category and age

3 Prison sentenced: "throughput" perspective

3.2 Prison sentenced starts per year trend by management group
3.3 Prison sentenced starts per year trend by age at start
3.4 Prison sentenced starts per year trend by gender
3.5 Prison sentenced starts per year trend by preferred ethnicity group
3.6 Prison sentenced starts per year trend by offence group
3.7 Prison sentenced starts in 2006/07 by age at reception
3.8 Prison sentenced starts in 2006/07 by prior major management category
3.9 Prison sentenced ends in 2006/07 by following major management status
3.10 Prison sentenced ends in 2006/07 by actual months served

4 Remanded in custody snapshots

4.2 Remanded snapshot trend since 1998
4.3 Remanded snapshot trend by gender
4.4 Remanded snapshot trend by age
4.5 Remanded snapshot trend by preferred ethnicity group
4.6 Remanded snapshot trend by charge category
4.7 Remanded snapshot at 2007-06-30 by gender- ethnicity-age
4.8 Remanded snapshot at 2007-06-30 by charge group and age
4.9 Remanded snapshot at 2007-06-30 by charge group and stay so far
4.10 Remanded snapshot at 2007-06-30 by major previous sanction indicator

5 Remanded in custody throughput

5.2 Remand starts per year trend by age group
5.3 Remand starts per year trend by gender
5.4 Remand starts per year trend by preferred ethnicity
5.5 Remand starts per year trend by charge category
5.6 Remand median duration trend
5.7 Remand starts in 2006/07 year by age
5.8 Remand starts in 2006/07 year by prior management category
5.9 Remand ends in 2006/07 year by following management category
5.10 Remand ends in 2006/07 year by duration

6 Prison release-ordered offenders

6.1 Overview
6.2 Release ordered snapshot trend by major management category
6.3 Release ordered snapshot trend by gender
6.4 Release ordered snapshot trend by age
6.5 Release ordered snapshot trend by preferred ethnicity
6.6 Release ordered snapshot at 2007-06-30 by management category and gender
6.7 Release ordered snapshot at 2007-06-30 by ethnicity
6.8 Release ordered snapshot at 2007-06-30 by management and age groups
6.9 Release ordered snapshot at 2007-06-30 by management and offence categories

7 Community sentenced snapshots

7.1 Overview
7.2 Community sentenced snapshot trend since 1980
7.3 Community sentenced snapshot trend by gender
7.4 Community sentenced snapshot trend by age
7.5 Community sentenced snapshot trend by preferred ethnicity
7.6 Community sentenced snapshot trend by offence category
7.7 Supervision snapshot trend by combination sentence
7.8 Community sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by gender-ethnicity-age
7.9 Community sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by percentage of population
7.10 Community sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by management category and age
7.11 Community sentenced snapshot at 2007-06-30 by offence and age group

8 Community sentenced throughput

8.1 Overview
8.2 Community sentenced starts per year trend by management group
8.3 Supervision episode starts per year trend by offence group
8.4 Non supervision community sentence starts per year trend by offence group
8.5 Community sentenced episode starts in 2006/07 by previous status
8.6 Community sentenced episode ends in 2006/07 by following status
8.7 Community sentenced episode starts in 2006/07 by gender and age
8.8 Community sentenced ends in 2006/07 by management category and duration
8.9 Community sentenced episode duration trend by major management category

9 Offender Inventory

9.1 Overview
9.2 Starts and completions of PRISON SENTENCED episodes
9.3 Starts and completions of REMANDED IN CUSTODY episodes
9.4 Starts and completions of RELEASE ORDERED episodes
9.5 Starts and completions of COMMUNITY SENTENCED episodes
9.6 Starts and completions RECENTLY MANAGED OFFENDER POOL episodes
9.7 Balance sheet
9.8 All Major Management Transitions
9.9 Overall offender pool growth and circulation
9.10 Relative balances and flow for year ending 2007-06-30

10 Data definitions and groupings

10.1 Major management category
10.2 Gender
10.3 Age
10.4 Preferred ethnicity
10.5 Multiple ethnicity
10.6 Offence category; Charge category

11 Data source and enrichment methodology

11.1 Data source and scope
11.2 Data enrichment and simplification
11.3 Offender timelines
11.4 Data quality