Community sentences and orders statistics - March 2014

This page shows statistical information on the:

Sentences and orders by area* (as at 31 March 2014)
  Sentences Orders Total
Auckland 2,539 693 3,232
Manukau 4,175 792 4,967
Taitokerau 1,936 473 2,409
Waitemata 2,680 487 3,167
Bay of Plenty 1,808 430 2,238
Taupo/Rotorua 1,556 381 1,937
Waikato 2,408 674 3,082
East Coast 1,716 506 2,222
Wairarapa/Manawatu 1,418 441 1,859
Wellington 1,593 442 2,035
Whanganui/Taranaki 1,107 382 1,489
Canterbury 2,786 738 3,524
Nelson/West Coast 1,117 210 1,327
Otago 981 300 1,281
Southland/Cental Otago 673 232 905
Total 28,493 7,181 35,674

* Refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Total number of sentences and orders* (monthly snapshot)

Total number of sentences and orders

* Refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Proportion of different sentences and orders*

Sentence type

* Refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Percentage of offenders serving community sentences and orders in different age groups

Age Range

* This graph relates to the number of individual offenders serving sentences or orders in the community. An offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Percentage of offenders serving community sentences and orders according to most serious* offence type

Offence type

* Offenders may be convicted of offences across multiple categories. This information is based on the most serious offence a prisoner is convicted of.

Gender of offenders serving community sentences and orders


* This graph relates to the number of individual offenders serving sentences or orders in the community. An offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Ethnicity of offenders serving community sentences and orders



* This graph relates to the number of individual offenders serving sentences or orders in the community. An offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.