Community sentences and orders statistics - June 2011

This page shows statistical information on the:

Sentences and orders by area* (as at 30 June 2011)
Hawke's Bay/Gisborne18724782350
Nelson, Marlborough, West Coast16252371862
Taranaki, Whanganui & Tararua25906873277

* Refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Total number of sentences and orders* (weekly snapshot)

A graph showing the total number of community sentences and orders being served since July 2008.View a larger version of the total community sentences and orders graph

* Refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Proportion of different sentences and orders*

A graph showing the proportion of different community sentences and orders being served.

* Refers to the total number of sentences and orders being served. An individual offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Percentage of offenders serving community sentences and orders in different age groups

A graph showing the percentage of offenders serving community sentences and orders in different age groups.

* This graph relates to the number of individual offenders serving sentences or orders in the community. An offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Percentage of offenders serving community sentences and orders according to most serious* offence type

A graph showing the percentage of offenders serving community sentences and orders according to most serious offence type.

* Offenders may be convicted of offences across multiple categories. This information is based on the most serious offence a prisoner is convicted of.

Gender of offenders serving community sentences and orders

A graph showing the percentages for gender of offenders serving community sentences and orders.

* This graph relates to the number of individual offenders serving sentences or orders in the community. An offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Ethnicity of offenders serving community sentences and orders

A graph showing the percentages for ethnicity of offenders serving community sentences and orders.

* This graph relates to the number of individual offenders serving sentences or orders in the community. An offender can be serving more than one sentence and/or order at any time.

Other facts and figures

  • The average number of offenders on community sentences and orders being managed on any given day was 44,893 at the end of March 2010.
  • Offenders serving Community Work sentences completed 3,754,618 hours of work in the 2009/10 financial year.
  • Corrections provided 59,334 reports to the courts in the 2009/10 financial year.
  • 46 per cent of those who serve a community-based sentence or order are not convicted of another crime within four years.
  • 36 per cent are convicted of a crime and receive another community sentence within four years.
  • 18 per cent are convicted of a crime and sent to prison within four years.

* The reconviction rates above are from a 2008 report: Reconviction patterns of offenders managed in the community