Complaints statistics
Updated 29 January 2025
Complaints from people on sentences and orders
People on sentences and orders (or their authorised advocates) can complain about their experiences. Refer to our Complaint Resolution page for details on how to submit a complaint.
Please see the Offender Complaints Breakdown spreadsheet XLSX, 37.2 KB for a more detailed breakdown of some complaint types from people on sentences and orders.
Complaint types | 2024/25 | 2023/24 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 |
Prisoner: General Complaints (PC.01) | 20,005 | 26,737 | 19,907 | 11,900 | 13,289 | 12,567 |
Prisoner: Allegations Against Staff (IR.07) | 3,596 | 4,265 | 2,927 | 429 | 333 | 384 |
Prisoner: Health Complaints | 954 | 1,465 | 99 | # | # | # |
Psychological Services Complaints | 19 | 24 | 3 | # | # | # |
Rehabilitation Programmes Complaints | 1 | 3 | # | # | # | # |
Bail Support Services Complaints | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | # | # |
EM Bail Complaints | 10 | 22 | # | # | # | 24 |
Probation Complaints | 171 | 399 | 265 | 199 | 305 | 272 |
Contract Notification - PECCS | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 3 | 2 |
- 2024/25 data extracted as at 13 January 2025 (except PC.01 and IR.07 data which was extracted as at 31 December 2024)
- IR.07 data has changed compared to previously reported data as of 2023/24 quarter three (data reported in April 2024) due to a change in the way this information has been extracted from the Allegations Against Staff database. The data has been retroactively changed for previous years in line with the new approach.
- The increase in PC.01 and IR.07 volumes from 2022/23 is linked to prisoners being enabled to submit complaints directly into the system via the prison kiosks.
- The volume of IR.07s which are upheld has remained relatively stable irrespective of the increase in IR.07s received, suggesting that the increase does not relate to an actual increase in poor conduct by staff.
- Corrections is progressively centralising many complaint types. # indicates that no data was recorded in the new centralised database for a particular financial year. This does not mean that no complaints were made in that year, however this may be recorded in other locations and cannot be readily collated. This progressive centralisation also means that data for past years may be updated at times where historical complaints are loaded into the central database.
- ‘Contract Notification’ refers to a complaint from a person on a sentence/order (or their advocate) to a contracted provider. In these cases, the provider is required to notify Corrections of the complaint. Note that ‘Contract Notification – PECCS’ includes a small number of complaints from members of the public in addition to complaints from people on sentences/orders.
- The Office of the Inspectorate investigates complaints from people in prison and on community-based sentences and orders. Generally, complaints should be resolved at the lowest level. A person on a sentence/order should speak to a Corrections staff member to try to resolve their concern first. If, after that, a person still believes they have been treated unfairly or unreasonably, they can make a complaint to the Inspectorate. In cases of urgency or safety, a complaint can be made directly to the Inspectorate. Statistics on the number of complaints received by the Office of the Inspectorate (external link) are available on their website.
Complaints from members of the public
Members of the public can also complain about their experiences. Refer to our Complaint Resolution page for details on how to submit a complaint.
Please see the Public Complaints Breakdown spreadsheet XLSX, 28.1 KB for a more detailed breakdown of some complaint types from members of the public.
Complaint types | 2024/25 | 2023/24 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20 |
Unwanted Mail Complaints | 266 | 500 | 499 | 630 | 910 | 361 |
Kaiwhakamana Complaints | 0 | 1 | # | # | # | # |
Victim Complaints | 3 | 8 | 10 | 3 | 4 | 6 |
Visitor Complaints | 5 | 6 | 4 | 1 | 2 | # |
Other Public Complaints | 32 | 88 | 5 | 46 | 13 | # |
- 2024/25 data extracted as at 13 January 2025.
- Corrections is progressively centralising many complaint types. # indicates that no data was recorded in a financial year.