Double bunking in prisons

Double bunking is a standard operational practice across the prison estate. Corrections staff use a comprehensive assessment tool called the Shared Accommodation Cell Risk Assessment (SACRA) to review the compatibility of prisoners before they are placed in a shared cell. The tool does not replace staff judgement, but helps inform their decision-making, and minimises any potential risk.

The SACRA report identifies key risk factors to consider before placing a prisoner in a shared cell. The assessment captures a range of information about the person, including their age, security classification, offending history, history of imprisonment, gang affiliation, notable physical characteristics, mental health concerns and any other special needs.

Data set for double bunking – national and by prison

Quarterly statistics for double bunking in prisons are available to view below. The data provided is as at 31 December 2024 and is subject to change until the full year process has been completed.

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