Prison facts and statistics - June 2015

30This page shows statistical information on the:

Number of prisoners in each prison

Prisoner population by location and status (as at 30 June 2015)
Prison Remand Prisoners Sentenced Prisoners  Total
Total Male Prisoners 1977 6277 8254
Auckland South 0 336 336
Auckland 1 611 612
Christchurch Men's 265 626 891
Hawke's Bay 116 482 598
Invercargill 53 112 165
Manawatu 70 211 281
Mt Eden Corrections Facility 794 191 985
Northland Corrections Facility 45 397 442
Otago Corrections Facility 67 365 432
Rimutaka 165 766 931
Rolleston 0 254 254
Spring Hill Corrections Facility 0 765 765
Tongariro/Rangipo 0 355 355
Waikeria 326 456 782
Whanganui 75 350 425
Total Female Prisoners 150 417 567
Arohata 18 59 77
Auckland Women's Corrections Facility 107 295 402
Christchurch Women's Corrections Facility 25 63 88
Total 2127 6694 8821

Total prison population

 Line graph showing total prison population

Download dataset (CSV, 14KB)

Percentage of prisoners in different age groups 

 Bar graph showing percentage of prisoners in different age groups


Percentage of sentenced prisoners according to most serious* offence type 


 Pie chart showing percentage of sentenced prisoners according to most serious* offence type

* Prisoners may be convicted of offences across multiple categories. This information is based on the most serious offence a prisoner is convicted of.

Ethnicity of prisoners

 Pie chart showing ethnicity of prisoners

Security classification of sentenced prisoners

 Pie chart showing security classification of sentenced prisoners

Percentage of sentenced prisoners on indeterminate sentences*


 Pie chart showing percentage of sentenced prisoners on indeterminate sentences*

* Indeterminate sentences refer to preventive detention and life sentences that have no end date. Prisoners on these sentences are only released at the discretion of the Parole Board and are subject to recall to prison if released on parole.