Prison facts and statistics - September 2023
Number of prisoners in each location by custody status as at 30 September 2023
Prison/Corrections Facility | Remand Prisoners | Sentenced Prisoners | Onsite Population | Offsite Population* | Total Population | Population % |
Total Male Prisoners | 3,524 | 4,766 | 8,290 | 60 | 8,350 | 93.9% |
Auckland Prison | 233 | 348 | 581 | 9 | 590 | 6.6% |
Auckland South Corrections Facility | 0 | 954 | 954 | 5 | 959 | 10.8% |
Christchurch Men's Prison | 405 | 362 | 767 | 4 | 771 | 8.7% |
Hawke's Bay Regional Prison | 229 | 313 | 542 | 0 | 542 | 6.1% |
Invercargill Prison | 77 | 79 | 156 | 0 | 156 | 1.8% |
Manawatu Prison | 145 | 92 | 237 | 1 | 238 | 2.7% |
Mount Eden Corrections Facility | 930 | 56 | 986 | 13 | 999 | 11.2% |
Northland Region Corrections Facility | 248 | 231 | 479 | 1 | 480 | 5.4% |
Otago Corrections Facility | 186 | 234 | 420 | 3 | 423 | 4.8% |
Rimutaka Prison | 362 | 353 | 715 | 11 | 726 | 8.2% |
Rolleston Prison | 0 | 417 | 417 | 0 | 417 | 4.7% |
Spring Hill Corrections Facility | 430 | 232 | 662 | 9 | 671 | 7.5% |
Tongariro Prison | 0 | 412 | 412 | 1 | 413 | 4.6% |
Waikeria Prison | 76 | 368 | 444 | 2 | 446 | 5.0% |
Whanganui Prison | 203 | 315 | 518 | 1 | 519 | 5.8% |
Total Female Prisoners | 293 | 240 | 533 | 10 | 543 | 6.1% |
Arohata Prison | 70 | 15 | 85 | 1 | 86 | 1.0% |
Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility | 178 | 152 | 330 | 7 | 337 | 3.8% |
Christchurch Women's Prison | 45 | 73 | 118 | 2 | 120 | 1.3% |
Grand Total | 3,817 | 5,006 | 8,823 | 70 | 8,893 | 100.0% |
* Offsite population refers to people in offsite locations such as mental health facilities and police custody.
Total prison population
* Justice Sector Projection is sourced from Projection Report: Data for the Justice Sector Projections 2022.
Source link: link)
Prison population by age group
Prison population by ethnicity
Prison population by offence type*
* Prisoners may be convicted of offences across multiple categories. This information is based on the most serious offence a prisoner is convicted of.