Prison facts and statistics - September 2023

Number of prisoners in each location by custody status as at 30 September 2023

Prison/Corrections Facility
Remand Prisoners
Sentenced Prisoners
Onsite Population
Offsite Population*
Total Population
Population %
Total Male Prisoners3,5244,7668,290608,35093.9%
Auckland Prison2333485819590 6.6%
Auckland South Corrections Facility 0 9549545959 10.8%
Christchurch Men's Prison40536276747718.7%
Hawke's Bay Regional Prison22931354205426.1%
Invercargill Prison7779156 0 156 1.8%
Manawatu Prison14592237 1 238 2.7%
Mount Eden Corrections Facility93056986 13999 11.2%
Northland Region Corrections Facility2482314791480 5.4%
Otago Corrections Facility18623442034234.8%
Rimutaka Prison362353715117268.2%
Rolleston Prison 0 4174170 4174.7%
Spring Hill Corrections Facility43023266296717.5%
Tongariro Prison 0 412412 1 4134.6%
Waikeria Prison763684442446 5.0%
Whanganui Prison203315518 1 519 5.8%
Total Female Prisoners293240533105436.1%
Arohata Prison7015851861.0%
Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility 17815233073373.8%
Christchurch Women's Prison 45731182120 1.3%
Grand Total

* Offsite population refers to people in offsite locations such as mental health facilities and police custody.

Total prison population

* Justice Sector Projection is sourced from Projection Report: Data for the Justice Sector Projections 2022.

Source link: link)

Prison population by age group

Prison population by ethnicity

Prison population by offence type*

* Prisoners may be convicted of offences across multiple categories. This information is based on the most serious offence a prisoner is convicted of.

Security classification of sentenced prisoners