
The annual report describes achievement against the Department’s strategic goals and key initiatives, outputs and performance measures as outlined in the 2004/05 Statement of Intent. This is the second annual report against the Department’s Strategic Business Plan 2003–2008.

The annual report is divided into three parts:

Part 1 sets out the strategic context within which the Department operates, including the purpose and principles guiding the Department’s day-to-day operations, and the environment and issues that impacted upon those operations during 2004/05. It also highlights the Department’s approach to managing offenders, strategies to mitigate against identified risk areas, the Department’s strategic direction and how this linked with the key government goals. Part 1 also details achievement against the major initiatives planned for 2004/05 and provides information on the Department’s progress towards achieving its two outcomes of protecting the public and reducing re-offending.

Part 2 includes the Department’s financial statements and statement of service performance against the outputs outlined in the 2004/05 Statement of Intent, in accordance with the Public Finance Act 1989. Included in these are detailed descriptions of the outputs that were delivered during 2004/05, the performance standards associated with these outputs, and statements setting out the Department’s operating expenditure and financial position as at 30 June 2005.

Part 3 represents the Department’s Sustainable Development Report for 2004/05. It provides an outline of the Department’s progress towards the development of its sustainable development framework, and reports on the key aspects and indicators associated with the social, environmental and economic impacts of the Department’s operations. Relevant supporting information, including the departmental profile, governance structures, relationship arrangements and management systems is also provided.