Key Initiatives delivered in 2005/2006
This section summarises the key initiatives delivered during the 2005/06 financial year, in the context of the themes and strategies outlined in the Department's Strategic Business Plan 2003-2008.
- THEME 1 - Ensuring Effective Offender Management
- THEME 2 – Improving Responsiveness to Māori
- THEME 3 – Contributing to Reducing Re-offending
- THEME 4 – Enhancing Capability and Capacity
THEME 1 - Ensuring Effective Offender Management
Public safety is paramount to the Department's operations. The Department is committed to continuing to improve the way it manages offenders, both from a custodial and non-custodial perspective, by continuing its focus on the safe, secure and humane management of offenders.
Strategy: Strengthen the corrections system's contribution to public safety
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Complete the trials of new technologies for electronic monitoring and report to the Minister on the outcome and recommendations for the future by 30 November 2005.
Implement the approved recommendations of the trials of new technologies for electronic monitoring by 30 June 2006.
Phase One trials of the new technologies for electronic monitoring were completed during 2005, and the results reported to the Minister on 15 December 2005.
As a result of the Phase One trials, it was agreed that the Department would progress to Phase Two in which the new technologies are trialled with offenders. Phase Two trials are scheduled for completion by the end of 2006.
Introduce appropriate systems and staff to monitor prisoners' telephone calls, in accordance with the approved implementation plan and funding.
Service specifications for telephone monitoring were developed, and compared with Australian models. Business process requirements were defined, a request for proposal released and tenders evaluated. Work to introduce the telephone monitoring system will continue in 2006/07. Selection, recruitment and training of staff are proceeding in conjunction with the implementation of the Crime Prevention Information Capability System (CPIC) project plan.
Introduce systems for the collection and analysis of data that contributes to increased crime prevention information capability, in accordance with the approved implementation plan and funding.
Operational procedures for the Crime Prevention Information Capability (CPIC) project were trialled at the Northland Region Corrections Facility in 2005. Following assessment of the trial, specifications for a secure database were completed, a request for proposal for the database was released and tenders evaluated. The organisational structure was approved, enabling recruitment of staff and implementation of the management of change process for existing staff. Introduction of the systems will continue in 2006/07.
Strategy: Implement legislative reforms
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Integrate the Auckland Central Remand Prison into the Department from 13 July 2005.
Transfer of responsibility for the management of the Auckland Central Remand Prison from GEO Group Australia Pty Ltd to the Department occurred on 12 July 2005 and was achieved with minimal disruption to prisoners and unit routines.
Strategy: Develop approaches to manage young offenders effectively
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Implement the revised Young Offenders Units Policy and Operating System and Service Description.
The Department has revised and implemented its Young Offenders Units policy. This policy includes the replacement of the Equip programme with the Focus programme. The Focus programme has been formulated after a year of piloting and is designed for young offenders in the motivation and intervention categories and aims to improve cognitive and social skills.
A test of best interests, a tool to inform youth placement decisions, has also been developed and will be implemented in the coming year, commencing with a pilot at Waikeria Prison and Christchurch men's prisons and all women's prisons. The pilot will be reviewed following six months of operation and this will inform full implementation of the test.
Strategy: Monitor application of offender management processes
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Commence implementation of new initiatives, revised processes and procedures for more effective cross-service management of short serving prisoners by April 2006:
- Complete the analysis of the profile and characteristics of short serving prisoners including the period they are on community supervision by 30 September 2005.
- Complete a review of the operational design of processes and procedures in the Public Prisons Service, Corrections Inmate Employment, Intervention Services and the Psychological Service as they relate to the management of short serving prisoners by 31 October 2005.
- Complete an operational framework for more effective management of short serving prisoners by December 2005.
- Complete implementation planning of the framework, including completing operational redesign work by 31 March 2006.
- Commence implementation of the framework by April 2006.
Background work on the profile of short serving prisoners and the analysis of current processes was finalised in July 2006. The design of the operational framework and implementation planning will now be completed in the 2006/07 year.
The need to co-ordinate the development of a revised operational framework for managing short serving prisoners with the initiatives proposed under the Department's Prisoner Employment Strategy 2006-2009 affected timeframes for this initiative. The strategy was approved by Cabinet and launched by the Minister in May 2006. Background work on the profile of short serving prisoners and the analysis of current processes were finalised in July 2006. The design of the operational framework and implementation planning will now be completed in the 2006/07 year.
Implement by June 2006 an improved planning and reporting process for offenders transitioning from prison, aimed at improving integration of activities within the Department and between the Department and the New Zealand Parole Board:
- Review of planning and reporting processes between the Public Prisons Service, Community Probation Service, Psychological Service and the New Zealand Parole Board completed by 31 December 2005.
- Implement revised content and format of pre-release reports from the Department to the New Zealand Parole Board by 31 December 2005.
The existing planning and reporting processes were reviewed in consultation with the New Zealand Parole Board, and revised processes and pre-release reports agreed. Necessary changes to the Department's computer systems are required to fully implement the revised processes and reports. Solutions were developed to allow introduction of an interim improved report structure, including provision of the revised format and content of pre-release reports to the Board. The improved reports will be provided from October 2006. Implementation of the final report structure and reports will take place later in 2006/07 once the changes to the computer systems have been completed.
Implement initiatives to improve sentence planning and sentence management for offenders in prison by 30 June 2006.
A revised sentence management integrity framework, revised training package, and quality assurance assessment tool and user guide have been implemented in all prisons. The quality assurance tool specifies monthly sentence management progress reports by site and quarterly reports to the Public Prisons Service National Office.
Strategy: Work collaboratively with other agencies
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Develop an appropriate framework and mechanisms for ensuring strong collaborative relationships with other agencies (including government departments) at a national and local level.
The Department adopted and promulgated a revised approach and framework for the management of interagency agreements. The new framework comprises a three-tier structure comprising national-level strategic agreements, national-level operational agreements, and regional-level agreements. Notwithstanding the nature of the particular agreement adopted, the provisions of the agreements will be incorporated, where appropriate and relevant, into departmental operating manuals and procedures.
By year-end, a number of new agreements based on the new approach and framework had been agreed. These included a national-level operational agreement with Child, Youth and Family on the sharing of information on home detention applications and suspected child abuse and/or neglect.
Implement improved information sharing between agencies following the implementation of the Corrections Act 2004.
Section 182 of the Corrections Act 2004 provides for the sharing of information between specified agencies about child-sex offenders.
An interagency agreement between the Department of Corrections, Child, Youth and Family, Housing New Zealand Corporation, the Ministry of Social Development and the New Zealand Police was developed and signed by all agencies. Following discussions between the Department and Child, Youth and Family on implementation issues, exchanges of the Child-sex Offenders List and disclosures commenced from 1 March 2006. The Department and Child, Youth and Family held eleven workshops around the country during February and March 2006 explaining the interagency agreement and exchange of the Child-sex Offenders List.
Contribute to the Ministry of Justice-led review of Home Detention.
In the first half of the year, the Department worked with the Ministry of Justice on scoping of the review. This review was then absorbed into the overall Ministry of Justice-led Effective Interventions project. The Department contributed to the preparation of the changes to home detention announced by the Government in August 2006 as part of the approved overall Effective Interventions package.
Strategy: Develop and maintain strong relationships with communities and community organisations
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Implement the induction, refresher and skills-based training programme for volunteers in all public prisons in accordance with the approved plan for the implementation of the Department's volunteers' policy.
The Department has developed and implemented induction, refresher and skills-based training programmes for volunteers in all Public Prisons Service regions.
Develop and implement strategies for the growth of the volunteer base in all public prisons.
The Department actively engaged with individuals and volunteer organisations to develop relationships, address concerns and remove barriers to encourage the involvement of more volunteers in prisons. As a result, the number of registered volunteers has grown from approximately 1,500 to 2,900 volunteers. The Department is continuing to proactively seek opportunities to increase this growth.
THEME 2 – Improving Responsiveness to Māori
The Department has identified the criticality of effectively addressing the needs of Māori offenders, who comprise over 50 percent of the prison population and over 45 percent of new starts on community-based sentences. Its Māori Strategic Plan 2003-2008 outlines opportunities to build relationships and strengthen communications between Māori and Corrections. Participation of Māori in the Department's activities and initiatives will improve the effectiveness of the services that Corrections provides and help to achieve the contributory outcomes of protecting the public and reducing re-offending.
Strategy: Work closely with Māori communities at a strategic and developmental level
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Develop the operating requirements for the Pua Wananga and the Kaitiaki Model for the Northland Region Corrections Facility.
This project is close to completion. Ngati Rangi and prison management have been closely involved in the development of a Māori cultural framework for the Pua Wananga. This framework provides a tikanga Māori environment that motivates prisoners to address their offending behaviours and supports prisoner reintegration activities.
Strategy: Include and engage Māori whānau and hapu
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Continue the development and implementation of initiatives contained in the Whānau Involvement Plan including:
- investigate maximising the Whānau Liaison Worker's role to include women inmates, non-Māori Focus Unit inmates and youth.
- develop an interagency framework to improve access to services for inmates' whānau, within the context of the ongoing pilot reintegration initiatives.
- investigate the feasibility and key features of a mentoring model for youth (tuakana/teina).
- undertake a facility stocktake to determine opportunities for more effective engagement between offenders and their whānau in corrections facilities.
- develop a 'working with whānau' guide as a practical resource for the Department's Services.
The five projects under this initiative were reviewed in late 2005, resulting in three of the five projects being withdrawn from the work programme. Preliminary work on the project to develop an interagency framework to improve access to services for prisoners' whānau indicated a number of reintegration initiatives already existed across the Department which are effectively improving access for prisoners' whānau. Findings on the project to investigate the feasibility and key features of a mentoring model for youth (tuakana/teina) indicated high costs and pressure on Public Prisons Service and Probation and Offender Services staff would make this project unfeasible.
During the year, there was also a shift in the Department's emphasis to focus on policy initiatives to develop and strengthen tikanga Māori operating models for prisons which will more effectively contribute to reducing Māori re-offending. This shift in focus led to a decision that there were other initiatives of a higher priority than the project to undertake a facility stocktake to determine opportunities for more effective engagement between offenders and their whānau in corrections facilities.
Considerable progress was made on the remaining project to maximise the role of Whānau Liaison Workers. Full consultation with all involved resulted in a smooth transfer of the roles from the Psychological Service to the Public Prisons Service, and work has commenced to widen the scope of the roles to include women prisoners, non-Māori Focus Unit prisoners and youth. This work will be completed in 2006/07.
The remaining project to develop a 'working with whānau' guide was also completed.
The Department continues to ensure that opportunities to involve whānau in key offender management components such as assessment, induction, sentence planning, and sentence management and reintegrative processes etc, are maximised where appropriate.
Strategy: Integrate Māori world views into programmes and services
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Implement the Tikanga Māori Programme for women serving community-based sentences (subject to the outcome of the evaluation of the pilot in July 2005).
Successful pilots of the Wahine Tikanga Māori Programme for women serving community-based sentences were completed at Community Probation Service sites in the Hawke's Bay/Gisborne and Taitokerau areas. The programme will be available nationally from September 2006.
Strategy: Build the responsiveness of the Department
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Develop mechanisms through which the Department can optimise Māori responsiveness initiatives to achieve better outcomes for Māori.
This project, including its description, project plan and key milestones, were reviewed to reflect the shift in the Department's emphasis to focus on policy initiatives to develop and strengthen tikanga Māori operating models for prisons which will more effectively contribute to reducing Māori re-offending. The description was revised to “Develop an approach to strengthen the Department's effectiveness for Māori in order to reduce re-offending”.
The key output of the project will be a toolkit that measures the Department's effectiveness for Māori offenders. Initial analysis has been completed and work will continue in 2006/07 in conjunction with the related review of the Framework for Reducing Māori Offending (FReMO). FReMO is an analytical tool designed to guide the development of policy, interventions and research. It provides a step-by-step process that highlights each of the key areas such as the Māori perspective and the enhancement of tikanga Māori that must be factored in as being crucial to successful outcomes.
THEME 3 – Contributing to Reducing Re-offending
One of the outcomes for the Department, and therefore a theme area, is to contribute towards an overall reduction in the level of re-offending.
Using a range of strategies and initiatives the Department will work to address the risks of re-offending. This will be achieved through the provision of rehabilitative and reintegrative interventions and activities designed to assist offenders to address their offending behaviours and return successfully to the community.
Strategy: Increase the effectiveness of initiatives to reduce re-offending
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Integrate the activities of the Department's major reintegrative service providers within the framework of the Department's new reintegrative initiatives.
The Department liaised directly with the New Zealand Prisoners' Aid and Rehabilitation Society (NZPARS) to ensure the delivery of reintegrative services and to facilitate appropriate interaction between prisons-based WINZ reintegration case workers and the Department's reintegration workers. This work is continuing as detailed operating guidelines are developed for the new departmental reintegration workers. The Auckland Prisoners' Aid and Rehabilitation Society (PARS) is also contracted to provide the Department's supported accommodation pilot service in Auckland, contributing to the closer alignment of NZPARS activities and the Department's reintegrative initiatives.
Implement initiatives associated with improvement in the quality of programme delivery to offenders in prison and in the community by 31 December 2005.
The focus during 2005/06 was to develop and implement a credentialing process for programme facilitators as the first key step in implementing quality improvements to programme delivery. This required alignment with a number of other related activities including performance management, facilitator training and supervision. Preparation for the credentialing process commenced in late 2005. The credentialing panel, implemented to assess facilitators' skill level, was appointed and will meet during the first quarter of 2006/07.
Improve the design of measurement tools to better identify the reconviction and re-offending rates of offenders who have participated in the major rehabilitative interventions, by July 2005.
The Recidivism Index (RI) and Rehabilitation Quotient (RQ) methodology was extensively revised and refined, and fully automated within the Department's data warehouse. The completion of this 18-month project in July 2005 enabled valid RI and RQ results to be calculated for inclusion in the 2004/05 Annual Report. Further refinement of the methodology continued throughout 2005/06.
Establish 13 reintegration workers in prisons to co-ordinate reintegration activities for prisoners by 30 June 2006 and a further three by 30 June 2007.
A strategy to establish 13 reintegration worker positions in prisons was developed and approved in early 2005/06. Project planning was implemented and an initial three temporary reintegration worker positions were established during the pilot phase of the project. The permanent positions were established by year-end with appointments to be made in 2006/07.
Following the June 2005 evaluation of outcomes of Reintegrative Support Services for offenders and their families, decide on the future of the initiative by 30 August 2005.
The current contracts for the provision of the pilots were not renewed, and provision of the current Te Atea and Te Hokinga Mai will cease at the end of September 2006. The future of reintegrative support services will be reviewed in the context of other reintegrative activities, such as supported accommodation and reintegration case workers. This will inform future delivery and reintegrative activity funding bids.
Implement the changes from the review of the content of the 100-hour Criminogenic Programmes for Offenders in prison and in the community and implement changes by 30 June 2006.
During 2005/06 the Department reviewed its criminogenic programmes and agreed to the design of a new suite of criminogenic programmes, including the replacement of the existing 100-hour criminogenic programmes with a new medium-intensity criminogenic programme. Design work on the new medium-intensity programme was completed by 30 June 2006. Phased implementation will begin in September 2006 and continue throughout 2006/07.
Implement the newly designed Criminogenic Programme, and Structured Individual Programme for women offenders by 31 December 2005.
The Criminogenic Programme for women was implemented at Arohata Women's Prison during 2005/06. The design work on the Structured Individual Programme was completed. The programme was piloted and is ready for implementation.
Review the effectiveness of the prison Drug Treatment Units and recommend improvements by 30 June 2006.
Extensive evaluation of the current Drug Treatment Unit programmes was undertaken and the report on the findings is being finalised. Recommendations on improvements to the units are now due by 31 December 2006.
Implement a new motivational Interviewing Programme to enhance Probation Officers' capability to improve the motivation of offenders in the community to address their offending by 30 June 2006.
The development of Motivational Techniques training was completed. Delivery to Probation Officers will take place throughout 2006/07.
Complete the pilot in Auckland of supported accommodation for high-need offenders by 31 December 2005 and complete the evaluation by 30 June 2006.
At year-end, the target of securing eight properties for the pilot in Auckland had been achieved, with a further two properties secured from July 2006. At 30 June 2006, five of the eight properties were tenanted, with the remainder to be tenanted by high-need offenders due for release in early 2006/07.
As some delays occurred in securing the properties thereby limiting the number of participants in the early stages of the pilot, evaluation of the pilot has been deferred to December 2006.
Strategy: Reduce the incidence of violent re-offending
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Complete the research report on the treatment of very high-risk (psychopathic) offenders and design and pilot an intensive group treatment programme for high-risk violent offenders by 30 June 2007.
The research report on the treatment of very high-risk (psychopathic) offenders was completed and the outline of an intensive group treatment programme for high-risk violent offenders was prepared. Design of the programme will be completed and the programme piloted at Waikeria Prison during 2006/07.
Complete design and piloting of a new programme for high-risk adult rapists by 30 June 2006:
- Implement a pilot intensive treatment programme for high-risk rapists in prison by 30 June 2006.
- Evaluate effectiveness of the pilot by 30 June 2007.
The new programme for high-risk rapists was designed and the pilot commenced in March 2006 at Auckland Prison. A report on the effectiveness of the pilot will be prepared during 2006/07.
Strategy: Improve outcomes for Pacific peoples
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Integrate the requirements for a Pacific Focus Unit into the commissioning planning for the Spring Hill Corrections Facility.
Plans for a Pacific Focus Unit were integrated into the commissioning planning for the new Spring Hill Corrections Facility. Construction of special facilities to support the unit is progressing in conjunction with the overall building programme. A detailed operating philosophy was developed, incorporating cultural approaches to pro-social behaviour.
Promulgate the Department's Pacific Strategy 2005-2008 and progress the initiatives identified therein.
The Pacific Strategy 2005–2008 was launched and distributed in July 2005 and the Department progressed the development of a National Integrated Framework for Pacific staff networks. Initiatives included in the strategy were progressed throughout 2005/06. Two permanent Pacific Community Liaison Worker positions for the Auckland and Waikato regions were established. Key policy was developed for the operations of the Pacific Focus Unit and Fale at Spring Hill Corrections Facility, and a guideline produced on Pacific community participation in prisons. Ongoing support was provided to the Chief Executive's Pacific Advisory Group (CEPAG) and to Pacific Advisory Group meetings at Auckland and Waikato, and externally to the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs senior officials group.
Strategy: Return young offenders to a positive role in society
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Complete Year 4 of the Reducing Youth Offending Programme pilots in Auckland and Christchurch.
Complete the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Reducing Youth Offending Pilot Programme pilot and make appropriate recommendations for the future delivery of the programme.
The evaluation of the effectiveness of the programme was finalised and a key finding of the evaluation was that the Reducing Youth Offending Programme was more likely to be effective with youth in Child, Youth and Family care rather than those in the Department's care. In April 2006, it was decided to refocus the programme to concentrate on younger offenders. From July 2006, the programme will be managed solely by Child, Youth and Family and delivered only to young offenders in the youth justice system.
Strategy: Assist offenders to achieve and maintain long-term employment
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Review release-to-work policies to ensure optimal numbers of prisoners receive work experience in the community prior to release from prison by 30 September 2005 and commence implementation from October 2005.
Review of the release-to-work policies is now complete. However, operational issues prolonged the review and the subsequent implementation of recommendations. Release-to-work is also a key aspect of the Department's wider Prisoner Employment Strategy 2006-2009 released in May 2006 (see the next initiative below). The Department continues to work to identify and remove barriers to making prisoners available for release-to-work. Operational policy and practice is being revised to ensure greater prisoner participation without compromising community safety. The Department is also working with the Ministry of Social Development to use their skills and resources to identify and make additional employment opportunities available.
Implement new initiatives to improve vocational training and employment outcomes for offenders:
- Complete a strategic plan by 31 July 2005 that outlines the direction for offender training and employment and pulls together all activities and initiatives aimed at increasing the emphasis on offenders obtaining skills and experience to obtain sustainable post-release employment.
- Develop a business case for industry-accredited training and employment experience for offenders by September 2005.
- Support the Ministry of Social Development with the implementation of its “In Work Support” pilot for offenders released from prison in Auckland.
- Continue Implementation of initiatives to place home detainees into work and training.
- Implement the new approach to the training and education of offenders in the Young Offenders Units by 30 June 2006.
- Support the Ministry of Social Development with the establishment of its offender employment support teams in all regions by 30 June 2006.
The Department released its Prisoner Employment Strategy 2006-2009 in May 2006. The strategy sets the strategic platform for the delivery of employment, education and employment-related training within prisons. The strategy recognises the real benefits that developing prisoner work ethic and marketable skills leading to post-release employment can have on reducing re-offending. It also outlines the programme of work necessary to achieve greater prisoner participation in employment, education and employment-related training.
In addition, the Department is now working closely with the Ministry of Social Development. Work and Income case managers and work brokers are now operating at all prisons and assisting prisoners with work and benefit issues prior to release.
THEME 4 – Enhancing Capability and Capacity
To achieve the first three themes the Department requires increased capability and capacity. This theme focuses on ensuring the Department has in place the right resources, people, support systems and infrastructure.
Enhanced capability and capacity is also required to ensure that the Crown assets for which the Department is responsible, are efficiently and effectively used towards the achievement of Government outcomes.
Strategy: Develop the capability and capacity of staff and managers
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Implement the Management Development Programme, including additional core training and development programmes together with support and monitoring tools.
2005/06 saw a larger than planned uptake of the Department's Management at Corrections Programme modules. Originally, 380 attendees were planned, however a reprioritisation of management development initiatives allowed 525 managers to attend Management at Corrections training modules by year-end.
Attendees on Management at Corrections workshops received a manager toolkit of quick-reference material. As familiarity with this support resource grows, so has the demand for it from non-attendees. Additional copies will be produced in 2006/07 to meet this demand.
Development also started in 2005/06 on two new modules that will be available for delivery in 2006/07. These modules will cover coaching and recruitment/selection.
A specific department-wide management development plan and reporting process was implemented in 2005/06 and has provided a valuable means of monitoring progress against the plan across the Department's Services. The template planning and reporting process will be extended to cover wider department-wide training and development in 2006/07 to aid overall capability planning.
Complete a review of the capacity of Probation Officers to increase their focus on reintegrative services in line with other initiatives and implement from August 2005.
Following completion of the review of Probation Officer involvement in reintegrative activities, the time available to Probation Officers to work with offenders in this area was increased. The Community Probation Service has also increased its focus on enabling Probation Officers to work more effectively with other agencies and positions, including Work and Income case workers and departmental reintegration workers.
Implement by 30 June 2006 a new suite of training for managers and Probation Officers in the Community Probation Service aimed at improving performance in assessing, and managing offenders in the community, and in working with other parts of the Department and external agencies.
The Probation Officer Curriculum was launched during 2005/06 with 108 new Probation Officers receiving the new suite of training. Community Probation Service managers participated fully in the Department's Management at Corrections training programme, and attended 52 courses covering the Performance Management, Responsiveness to M?aori, Finance and Business Planning, and Health and Safety modules. Effective Offender Management (EOM) training was also provided to 385 Community Probation Service frontline staff and managers.
Strategy: Provide an increasingly safe and healthy work environment
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Implement the 2005/06 component of the Department's 2005/08 Health and Safety Strategic Plan.
2005/06 was a year of significant successes for health and safety. Processes were well bedded in, and much headway was made in training and information.
Key features for health and safety in the Department during 2005/06 included the following:
- The Department's 2005–2008 Health and Safety Strategy was approved in August 2005. Each Group and Service within the Department produced its own annual plan based on the department-wide strategy, which was implemented and is reviewed on a quarterly basis.
- The Department maintained primary level status in the ACC Partnership Programme. This followed the audit which indicated a number of significant improvements over the previous year, with some areas of the business working at a higher level than Primary.
- The Department engaged a new Third Party Administrator (TPA) and the transfer was seamless.
- In accordance with the Health and Safety in Employment Amendment Act, a system of employee representatives has been in place for two years and this system is working well. A large number of employees have been trained each year.
- The Management at Corrections health and safety training workshop module was implemented.
- Work commenced to standardise the forms used for health and safety and also bring in a document control and version control system.
- The Department joined the Site Safe movement in the construction industry and operates the recognised passport system on all significant construction projects. All supervising staff are also accredited under the scheme.
Strategy: Continue to develop information management processes that support the Department's business
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Continue the development of IOMS and the Department's data warehouse in accordance with the recommendations of the IOMS Review and the Information Technology Operational Strategy 2003-08. Specifically, to ensure that all information required for cross-service management and reintegration of offenders is available in a timely, easily accessible and seamless manner.
During the year, work continued on the enhancements to and improvement in compatibility of the computerised Integrated Offender Management System (IOMS) and the Corrections Analysis and Reporting System (CARS) in accordance with the work programme identified in the Information Technology Operational Strategy 2003–2008 and recommendations of the IOMS review. This work included the completion of user requirements by the Department's Groups and Services and the piloting of some non-financial outputs of the CARS system. By year-end, the review and design stages of the full release of the two updated systems were complete and construction of the core work streams nearing completion. Final release is expected in October 2006.
Strategy: Provide facilities to meet projected demand
Initiatives and Achievements 2005/06
Continue the implementation of the Regional Prisons Development Project including:
- Fully commission the Northland Region Corrections Facility in the second quarter of 2005/06, commence the commissioning of the Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility, and commence commissioning planning for the Spring Hill Corrections Facility and the Otago Region Corrections Facility.
- Complete construction of the Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility by 31 May 2006, and progress the construction of the Spring Hill Corrections Facility and the Otago Region Corrections Facility.
The first of the four new corrections facilities, the 350-bed Northland Region Corrections Facility at Ngawha, near Kaikohe, was opened in March 2005. Its commissioning was accelerated due to the growing pressure on prison accommodation, so that it was operating at normal capacity by October 2005.
The Auckland Region Women's Corrections Facility was completed on 31 May 2006. The facility was officially opened by the Prime Minister on 22 June 2006. All operational and commissioning activities proceeded to plan and the first prisoners were received on 2 August 2006. This was a significant achievement as the facility size was increased from 150 to 286 beds part way through the construction programme to meet continued growth in female prisoner numbers.
Construction of the Spring Hill Corrections Facility and Otago Region Corrections Facility progressed to plan with construction on target to be complete in 2007. Commissioning planning was completed and commissioning activities are underway.
Complete the provision of the additional prison accommodation of 493 beds as approved by Cabinet, including the provision of 80 new self-care beds in prisons by 31 August 2005 to help manage the reintegration of long-term prisoners nearing release from prison.
The additional 493 prison beds were delivered on time and within budget, including the 80 new self-care beds. A building programme was also approved to provide a further 180 beds and 100 disaster recovery beds. This programme is running to plan.
Complete the relocation of Ohura Prison to the new unit at Tongariro/Rangipo Prison in the third quarter of 2005/06.
Ohura Prison was closed on 30 November 2005 as planned, with prisoners, most staff and other resources transferred to Tongariro/Rangipo Prison. Given prison population pressures and building code requirements, it was decided to build new prison huts at Tongariro/Rangipo Prison and relocate the Ohura Prison huts to Waikeria Prison where the Ohura cell huts could be re-used with minimum rebuild. By year-end, 120 new beds had been commissioned at Tongariro/Rangipo Prison, and the Ohura Prison huts successfully relocated to Waikeria Prison.