Corrections by the numbers

In 2015/16 the Department of Corrections:

Continued to deliver against our key strategic outcomes: improving public safety and reducing re-offending. In this year we have:
  • ensured the security of prison sites, with no breakout escapes
  • provided offender plans to 98% of prisoners who were entitled to receive one
  • supported 8,372 prisoners to complete a rehabilitation programme
  • ensured 3,648 community-based offenders completed a rehabilitation programme
  • referred 5,780 offenders to a reintegration intervention
  • ensured the integrity of the prison system, with only 3.4% of random drugs tests returning a positive result
  • ensured that 93% of psychological reports were provided within the timeframes of the New Zealand Parole Board
  • referred 814 offenders to an employment support service
  • supported more than 1,800 prisoners to receive improved services to assist them in finding stable employment
  • completed implementation of the Industry Treatment and Learning (working prisons) framework in all public prisons, with 75% of prisoners now engaged.
We managed a budget of approximately $1.3 billion and maintained $2.7 billion worth of non-current assets, including:
  • 18 operational prisons, 17 directly operated by Corrections and one privately managed by SecureFuture
  • Over 150 Community Corrections sites, including those leased, owned and shared with other agencies.
  • Nearly 8,000 staff of which approximately 85% were frontline
  • 428 medical staff and
  • Over 1,600 registered volunteers who made more than 19,500 visits to prisons.
Who managed and supported:
  • A prison population that reached 9,532 as at 30 June and over 36,000 sentences and orders in the community.

What we've achieved this year

Over 12,000 offenders completed a rehabilitation programme

The transition to the Industry Treatment and Learning framework was completed in all public prisons

Personal Protective Equipment was provided to all frontline custodial staff

76% of prisoners with an identified need received placement in a relevant programme

Administrative support was provided to 8,113 hearings of the New Zealand Parole Board

More than 1,000 offenders began intensive alcohol and drug treatment programmes

4,628 qualifications were achieved by prisoners while in prison

Over 6,000 Education Assessments within prisons

ZERO breakout escapes occurred from Corrections prisons

50% of community-based offenders with an identified need received placement in a relevant programme

42% of prisoners demonstrated statistically significant gains through intensive literacy and numeracy provision

The reduction in the rate of re-offending was 5.6%

Over 2,000 prisoners were referred to the Out of Gate reintegration service

Over 4,400 general random drug tests were carried out in prisons

81% of prisoners started and completed a rehabilitation programme

100% of Prison Services Health Centres retained Cornerstone® accreditation

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