
The Statement of Intent sets out the overall direction of the Department for the period 1 July 2005 to 30 June 2006. It is organised into three parts.

Part 1 sets out the purpose and principles guiding the Department's day-to-day operations, the environment and issues that impact upon those operations, the Department's approach to managing offenders, strategies to mitigate against identified risk areas, the Department's strategic direction and how this links with the key government goals, the major initiatives for 2005/06 and how the Department will measure its progress.

Part 2 contains information on future operating intentions prepared in accordance with sections 34 to 42 of the Public Finance Act 1989. Included in these are detailed descriptions of the outputs that will be delivered during 2005/06, the performance standards associated with these outputs, and statements setting out the Department's operating costs and expected financial position.

Part 3 represents the Department's Sustainable Development Plan for 2005/06. The key aspects and indicators highlighted outline the status of the Department's sustainable development framework and the progress intended to be made, with respect to a better understanding and monitoring of the social, environmental and economic impact of its operations. Relevant supporting information, including the departmental profile, governance structures, relationship arrangements and management systems is also provided.